
Brand Awareness

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which consumers recognize and recall a particular brand. It reflects the familiarity and visibility of a brand within its target market. Building brand awareness is a key objective of marketing efforts, as it can lead to increased customer loyalty, trust, and ultimately, higher sales and market share.

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5 Key excerpts on "Brand Awareness"

Index pages curate the most relevant extracts from our library of academic textbooks. They’ve been created using an in-house natural language model (NLM), each adding context and meaning to key research topics.
  • Branding & AI
    eBook - ePub

    Branding & AI

    Leveraging Technology to Generate Brand Revenue

    ...CHAPTER 2 Overview In continuation to establishing a brand, this chapter further delves into the process and importance of creating Brand Awareness. Investopedia defines Brand Awareness as the “extent to which consumers are familiar with the distinctive qualities or image of a particular brand of goods or services.” It is concerned with a brand’s position within the customer’s mind, regardless of whether it is found on the topmost shelf where it is easily visible and reachable or somewhere along the bottom, mixed with the rest. The chapter continues to explain how in highly saturated markets, lack of Brand Awareness leads to a business’s product/service getting lost in the chaos. Also, discussing Kotler’s theory on the effect of brand perception, which is the consumers’ ability to identify the brand under different conditions, as reflected by their brand recognition or recall performance. When it comes to Brand Awareness, there are two essential terms to be kept in mind, which are crucial to understanding the concept: brand recognition and brand recall. The former is defined by a consumer’s ability to differentiate a brand from others credited to prior knowledge. Whereas, the latter is based on the ability to recall a particular brand when given the class or category of the product, which can be either done through aided stimulus or top of the mind awareness. It is a slow and gradual process, but the immense value it holds in sustaining a business is explained in detail. Brand Awareness A human mind is a beautiful and, at times, complicated spectrum of thoughts and feelings and memories, and many other elements that dwell within the unnamed domain of ideas and imagination. In short, it is a canvas with a vivid and diverse splash of colors...

  • Event Sponsorship
    eBook - ePub
    • Ian McDonnell, Malcolm Moir(Authors)
    • 2013(Publication Date)
    • Routledge

    ...For example, generating Brand Awareness in a long established and well-known brand is a waste of marketing resources, and is only applicable to new products being introduced into a market. The thin lines represent actions taken to further interest and increase desire among consumers who are aware of the product, while the fatter lines represent activities that can reinforce or consolidate attitudes towards the product amongst existing consumers. Figure 3.2 The potential roles of sponsorship in sponsoring the product adoption process Source: Crompton, 1996. What this means is that marketers seek different benefits from sponsorship, depending on the knowledge and understanding of their product’s position in the market. An excellent example of this is Kia’s (the Korean car manufacturer) sponsorship of prestigious sporting events around the world. When the Kia product first came to Australia in early 2002 they were an unknown auto brand. They then became the sponsor of the Australian Open Tennis championship, one of the five major world tennis tournaments, taking over from its long-term sponsor Ford (McIlwraith 2012). Interestingly they did not claim naming rights as Ford had, but were content with the major sponsor title. This Brand Awareness sponsorship was effective as they have doubled their market share in the ten years of their sponsorship (McIlwraith 2012). Now that they are much better known in the Australian marketplace, the sponsorship benefits sought become more image enhancement, brand reinforcement and hospitality opportunities for distributors and other major stakeholders. Now that the theoretical underpinnings are in place, each of the benefits listed previously are now discussed in some depth. Brand Awareness Brand Awareness simply means the extent to which a target market is aware of a brand’s existence, and the ability of its attributes to satisfy their needs...

  • Business
    eBook - ePub


    The Ultimate Resource

    ...Raising Awareness of Your Brand GETTING STARTED Whatever the size of your business, Brand Awareness plays an important role when customers make a decision to buy. It’s essential that you understand what your brand “values” are, and they can relate to many areas, from product attributes to less tangible aspects of a company’s reputation, such as good customer care or a top-notch Web site. By identifying the key values of your brand, you can establish how your products, your services, and your company are perceived by different types of customer. FAQs Can a small company use branding? Absolutely. You have to understand your own brand, since you will have a brand or corporate image in your market whether you like it or not! Smaller companies increasingly compete with large, well-known brands—sometimes globally—so the objective of branding is to differentiate your company or product, and to convey its unique attributes. Don’t be behind the door. Make sure that your name, address, contact details, and logos feature prominently on your Web site, catalogues, quotes, leader headers, even compliments slips, and packing slips. How important are brand values? Branding is frequently perceived as a consumer marketing discipline...

  • Kids and branding in a digital world

    ...3 Emergence of brand consciousness There is compelling evidence that children have brand consciousness from an early age. As we will see, this fact has been confirmed by both academic and marketing industry research. While industry researchers have been interested in finding out which brands are best known and best liked among young consumers, and how Brand Awareness levels and preferences vary across different child age groups, academic researchers have been occupied more with finding explanations for why brand consciousness exists, the different forms it can take, and the key factors that underpin the way it evolves as children grow and mature physically and psychologically (see Hite & Hite, 1995 ; Dammler & Middelmann-Motz, 2002 ; Valkenburg & Buijzen, 2005 ; Costa, 2010 ; Bussey, 2011). For marketers, up-to-date data about kids’ brand likes and dislikes can form essential input to marketing campaigns and can represent metrics for tracking the effectiveness of different types of brand promotions (Kapferer, 1992). Such data enable brands to benchmark themselves against their competitors and to track back and make comparisons of the apparent effectiveness of different brands’ campaign strategies. At the level of individual child consumers, brand promotions can prime them to choose advertised brands over other brands shortly after exposure (Chernin, 2008 ; Boyland, Harrold, Kirkham et al., 2011). Such is the power of branding, that it can influence product experience. For instance, in taste tests with two identical food products, the one presented packaged with a well-known brand name has been found to taste better (Woolfolk, Casetellan & Brooks, 1983 ; Robinson, Borzekowski, Matheson & Kraemer, 2007)...

  • Integrated Marketing Communication
    eBook - ePub

    Integrated Marketing Communication

    Advertising and Promotion in a Digital World

    • Jerome M. Juska(Author)
    • 2017(Publication Date)
    • Routledge

    ...10 Brand Visibility Strategies Learning Objectives To apply research to brand visibility activities To recommend specific brand visibility strategies To analyze and compare brand visibility opportunities To evaluate the performance of brand visibility arrangements To explore emerging retail marketing technologies Introduction Being everywhere is the challenge. The greater the exposure, the stronger the Brand Awareness. Beyond advertising and digital media, there is another IMC dimension. It is finding new and innovative ways to insert brands and product images in everyday life. This includes featuring national or local brands in movies, television programs, music videos, and even video games. Or, allowing other companies to use your name or logo on products and services with a special licensing arrangement. Other creative uses are event sponsorships, prize awards, and paying a lot of money to have a sports or entertainment center be identified with your brand name. There is also the retail marketing environment with attractive packages, signs, and displays. Certainly, there are plenty of excellent opportunities to promote a brand without advertising or promotions. Definition of Brand Visibility While advertising, sales promotion, and public relations are very different IMC strategies, brand visibility has characteristics that are similar to all three. But, there are several important aspects that are unique. Here is why. There is no traditional media advertising involved, especially when competing companies purchase pages or media time for their brand messages. But brand visibility influence can easily be incorporated into most of the content for viewable programs, movies, publications, or even games. There is no direct attempt to motivate the purchase of a product or service through financial incentives, but brand visibility can immediately change measurable awareness and favorable attitudes...