Panzer IV at War
eBook - ePub
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Panzer IV at War


Paul Thomas

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  1. 160 pagine
  2. English
  3. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
  4. Disponibile su iOS e Android
eBook - ePub
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Panzer IV at War


Paul Thomas

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With comprehensive captions and text this superb book tells the story of the production of the Panzer IV to the key battles in Poland, France, North Africa, Italy, Russia and North West Europe. Initially the Panzer IV was designed as an infantry support tank, but soon proved to be so diverse and effective that it earned a unique tactical role on the battlefield.

The book shows how the Panzer IV evolved and describes how the Germans carefully utilized all available reserves and resources into building numerous variants that went into production and saw action on the battlefield. It depicts how these formidable tanks were adapted and up-gunned to face the ever increasing enemy threat.

Between 1936 and 1945, over 8,000 Panzer IV’s were built. For most of the war this tank was a match for its opponents’ heavy tanks and quickly and effectively demonstrated its superiority on the battlefield.

The Panzer IV was the only German tank to remain in production during the war. Its chassis was converted into more models than any other Panzers that entered service. As well as the various prototype projects and command tanks, observation vehicles, ammunition carriers, recovery vehicles, amphibious armored ferry vehicles that saw service, the book will show a multiple of converted anti-tank propelled vehicles.

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