Technology, Culture and Development
eBook - ePub

Technology, Culture and Development

The Experience of the Soviet Model

James P. Scanlan

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eBook - ePub

Technology, Culture and Development

The Experience of the Soviet Model

James P. Scanlan

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Although scholars have devoted much attention to the impact of technology on society, they have tended to slight the question of how technology is affected by social systems. The authors of this volume take precisely this approach in their examination of the "Soviet model" of development. The book surveys the history and current state of science and technology in the USSR and its former satellites. It then looks at the economic environment for technological innovation and examines the impact of the "energy shock" in the transitional economies of the region. Finally, it discusses the ecological devastation of the USSR and Eastern Europe, its connection with the "Soviet model" and the prospects for remediation. The central argument of the book is that the cultural and social factors and the legacy of the Soviet model will inevitable figure in the reconstruction of the East.

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Academy of Sciences, 29, 30-31, 41-42, 54
Adams, John, 7
Afghanistan, 53
Agrochemicals, 51
AIaM. See Amuro-Iakutskaia Magistral
AIDS, 48, 60n. 63
Akmencementas cement factory, 159
Aleksandrov, V.V., 43
Aleksandrovskii railway works (St. Petersburg), 15
Algeria, 137
Alma and Inkerman, Battle of, 9
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 33
Amuro-Iakutskaia Magistral (AIaM), 40, 46
Anderson, Walter Truett, 192
Antall, Jozsef, 129-30
Anti-Semitism, 32, 61n. 85
Anti-technology attitudes, 27
Arms industry, development of, 4-7, 10-14, 21
Asbestos, 51
Atomgrad, 36
Atommash plant, 35, 36-37
Authority, Eastern European science and crisis of, 100-101
Automobile industry
dependence of Western governments on, 192
Gor'kii, 17, 18
Russian Empire, 16
Aviation (Russian Empire), 16
Babcock and Wilcox, 17
Baikal, Lake, 51, 151, 179
Baikal-Amur Magistral (BAM), 40, 46
BAM. See Baikal-Amur Magistral
Bamtransstroi, 40
Bardin, Ivan, 17
Battison, Edwin, 7-9
Bednyi, M., 179
Bell, Daniel, 43
BESM-6 (computer), 18
"Big Green" Initiative (California), 176
Biologists, view of technology of, 26
Biotechnosphere, 151
Bitofus (pesticide), 162
Bol'shevik, 28
Bonuses, lack of innovation and structure of, 71, 73,74
Bovine somatotropin (bST), 51
Brezhnev, Leonid, 22, 27, 29, 151
bST. See Bovine somatotropin (bST)
Bucyrus Erie, 17
Budget deficit, 89n. 36
Bukharin, Nikolai, 27
Bulgaria, 106, 107, 126, 136, 178
Bureaucracy, retention of old, 182-83
Bushuev, V., 157
Calta, Marian, 119, 127, 146n. 67
Capitalism as panacea, 186-87
Carrington Report, 8
Casting technology (sixteenth century), 3-4
Caterpillar Tractor, 17
Catherine the Great, 4

Indice dei contenuti