eBook - ePub


History, Theory, Practice

Christian Nadeau, Daniel Weinstock, Christian Nadeau, Daniel Weinstock

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  2. English
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eBook - ePub


History, Theory, Practice

Christian Nadeau, Daniel Weinstock, Christian Nadeau, Daniel Weinstock

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In this collection of writings, leading historians of political thought and political theorists provide an overview of traditional and contemporary republicanism. The first part of the book presents studies of ancient and modern versions of republicanism in Athenian and Roman political thought, as well as in Machiavelli and Montesquieu.
The second part focuses on some of the key questions that confront contemporary thinkers, such as: * What ought one to expect of a good state and civil society?
* What are the conditions for deliberative democracy?
* What are the theoretical implications of a republican conception of political liberty?The essays in this volume advance the debate over republicanism, through both a rigorous philosophical investigation of republicanism's main sources and careful analysis of its meaning.

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A Doll’s House, 88
A Theory of Justice or Political Liberalism see Rawls
abstract rules, 4
academics, 26
accomodation, 168
Ackerman, Bruce, 61
action(s): 72, 82, 84; coercive, collectively authorised, 77; communicative, 166; self-determined, 89; theory of, 140
Actium, Battle of 10
Adison, 47
Aeneid see Vergil
aequitas see equity
Aeropagyte, 40
agrarian laws, 40, 41
Alexander, 26
Allen, Danielle, 32
ambition, 42
America: experience of republicanism, 39; governing circles in, 57; urban ghetto, 24 see also United States
amor laudis see Rome, pre-Christian, love of praise
ancient: constitution, 67; history, 46; model, reverence and awe for, 46; republican model, 39; simplicity, admirers of, 46
ancients: distance from moderns, 43; liberty of the, 101, 109
androcentrism, 33
Anglo-American: culture, 55; philosophical liberalism, 57, 58; political thought, 56; temper/individualism, 3
Anglo-Americans, 56
Anglo-Saxon: conception of politics, 57; model of politics, 59; model, compared to French, 60; philosophy, 59; republican model, 66
antiquity: 23; notions of, 68
Antony, Mark, 10
arbitrary: differences, 57; dominating power, 128; domination, 127; interference, 78, 79, 88, 99, 113, 120, 122; power, 78, 91, 93, 117, 124, 126, 127, 128; power, republican line on exposure to, 92; will, 109, 116
Archidamos, king of Sparta, 27
Arendt, Hannah, 2, 24, 25, 28, 101; Eichmann in Jerusalem, 25; The Origin of Totalitarianism, 25
Arginusae, 30
Aristeides the Just, 27
aristocracy, 29, 40, 44
aristocratic: families, 67; liberty, 67; society, 60
Aristophane, 27, 30, 31; Frogs, 30
Aristotle: 26, 27, 28, 32; phronesis (practical wisdom), 4, 164
Aristotelian: heritage, 40; phronesis, 4, 164
armies, permanent, 46
arms, ownership of, 38
Asia: 13; west, 26
assembly (ekklesia), 16
association(s): 112; civil, 56; contractual, 56; private, 56

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