Geometric Representations of Perceptual Phenomena
eBook - ePub
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Geometric Representations of Perceptual Phenomena

Papers in Honor of Tarow indow on His 70th Birthday

R. Duncan Luce, Donald D. Hoffman, Michael D'Zmura, Geoffrey Iverson, A. Kimball Romney, R. Duncan Luce, Donald D. Hoffman, Michael D'Zmura, Geoffrey Iverson, A. Kimball Romney

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  1. 376 pagine
  2. English
  3. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
  4. Disponibile su iOS e Android
eBook - ePub
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Geometric Representations of Perceptual Phenomena

Papers in Honor of Tarow indow on His 70th Birthday

R. Duncan Luce, Donald D. Hoffman, Michael D'Zmura, Geoffrey Iverson, A. Kimball Romney, R. Duncan Luce, Donald D. Hoffman, Michael D'Zmura, Geoffrey Iverson, A. Kimball Romney

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Informazioni sul libro

Based on a conference held in honor of Professor Tarow Indow, this volume is organized into three major topics concerning the use of geometry in perception:
* space -- referring to attempts to represent the subjective space within which we locate ourselves and perceive objects to reside;
* color -- dealing with attempts to represent the structure of color percepts as revealed by various experimental procedures; and
* scaling -- focusing on the organization of various bodies of data -- in this case perceptual -- through scaling techniques, primarily multidimensional ones. These topics provide a natural organization of the work in the field, as well as one that corresponds to the major aspects of Indow's contributions. This book's goal is to provide the reader with an overview of the issues in each of the areas, and to present current results from the laboratories of leading researchers in these areas.

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Sì, puoi accedere a Geometric Representations of Perceptual Phenomena di R. Duncan Luce, Donald D. Hoffman, Michael D'Zmura, Geoffrey Iverson, A. Kimball Romney, R. Duncan Luce, Donald D. Hoffman, Michael D'Zmura, Geoffrey Iverson, A. Kimball Romney in formato PDF e/o ePub, così come ad altri libri molto apprezzati nelle sezioni relative a Psicología e Historia y teoría en psicología. Scopri oltre 1 milione di libri disponibili nel nostro catalogo.



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