Creating and Maintaining an Information Literacy Instruction Program in the Twenty-First Century
eBook - ePub

Creating and Maintaining an Information Literacy Instruction Program in the Twenty-First Century

An Ever-Changing Landscape

Nancy Noe

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  1. 246 pagine
  2. English
  3. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
  4. Disponibile su iOS e Android
eBook - ePub

Creating and Maintaining an Information Literacy Instruction Program in the Twenty-First Century

An Ever-Changing Landscape

Nancy Noe

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Informazioni sul libro

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) set forth Characteristics of Programs of Information Literacy that Illustrate Best Practices: A Guideline. Creating and Maintaining an Information Literacy Instruction Program in the Twenty-First Century provides readers with a real-world, practical guide for creating an instruction program step-by-step, as well as a framework for reviewing, assessing, and updating existing programs. Each chapter focuses on one of the main aspects of the ACRL guidelines. Current research, anecdotal evidence and tools provide the reader with the support and instruments needed to either begin, or reinvigorate, an instruction program.The book begins by placing information literacy in programme context. It then covers how to survey your current program, and how to develop and implementing a program plan. The next chapters concentrate on administrative and institutional support; curriculum integration and campus collaboration; present and future students; pedagogy for the information professional; program marketing and outreach; assessment and future trends. Finally, this book concludes by asking its readers to re-survey their information literacy instruction program landscape once again.

  • Provides a practical, scalable information literacy instruction program framework based upon the 2011 draft ACRL Characteristics of Programs of Information Literacy that Illustrate Best Practices
  • Reflects current scholarship and practice
  • Contains sample worksheets, templates, and assessment instruments

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