Political Fix
eBook - ePub

Political Fix

How Should We Get American Politics Back on Track?

Scott London

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  2. English
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eBook - ePub

Political Fix

How Should We Get American Politics Back on Track?

Scott London

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The view that something is amiss in American government is now widely shared. "We have been studying Washington politics and Congress for more than 40 years, " say scholars Tomas E. Mann and Norman Ornstein, "and never have we seen them this dysfunctional." Even some elected officials acknowledge they have a problem. "We need to change the way we do business, " says Tom Udall, a Democratic senator from New Mexico. "Right now, we have gridlock. We have delay. We have obstruction, and we don't have any accountability." The troubles facing American politics are varied and complex. Observers point to a wide range of developments that, if left unchecked, are likely to further weaken the effectiveness of government. These include: The flood of corporate money into American political campaigns. The growing influence of lobbyists and special interest groups. The increasing polarization and rancor of our political discourse. Structural impediments, such as current redistricting laws that limit ballot choices and skew election results. The "permanent campaign" that encourages lawmakers to focus on short-term gains instead of long-term solutions. Political leaders acting in their own interests rather than serving the public good. The disengagement of ordinary Americans who turn away from politics in disgust rather than getting involved and making their voices heard. This issue guide presents three options for consideration: Break the grip of special interests The key to addressing gridlock and dysfuntion in government is to rein in special interests and curb the influence of big money. Increase responsibility Our best hope of fixing American politics is to restore individual responsibility in communities and at every level of government. Fix the mechanisms of politics The mechanisms of government are no longer responsive to the will of the people. We need major structural changes to make the system work as it was intended to.

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>>Political Fix

How Should We Get American Politics Back on Track?

AMERICANS ARE more dissatisfied with government than ever. A 2015 Gallup survey found that 86 percent of Americans say they disapprove of Congress; even worse, they identified the government itself as the country’s number one problem, even rating it above the economy and terrorism. Another survey found that, compared head to head, people preferred cockroaches and even the IRS to Congress.
While some of the public’s frustration can be attributed to economic anxiety and uncertainty about the future, it also reflects a litany of problems in government—from partisan rancor and congressional gridlock to the rise of big money and the growing influence of powerful special-interest groups.
Any one of these problems taken in isolation would represent a serious challenge to our democratic process. But taken together, they make it almost impossible for government to address the short- and long-term problems facing the nation.
How do we get American government working for us again? This guide offers three options to consider, each with benefits and trade-offs. There are many questions to keep in mind in weighing these options. For example, are the problems facing government today the result of unethical and unresponsive leaders? Are they a by-product of rules and institutions that no longer work as they should? Or do they reflect the corrosive influence of outside forces like big money and special interests? Is it reasonable to expect government to fix itself? And does the American public have to shoulder some of the burden for a dysfunctional political system? As we explore these questions, it’s important to think and talk with fellow citizens. This guide is intended to stimulate that conversation.


Break the Grip of Special Interests

On key issues like energy, defense, and education, special-interest groups—and the lobbyists who work for them—exert an influence that’s difficult to measure but undeniable. We need to limit their access to lawmakers and restrict the flow of big money into political campaigns to make sure the good of the few never takes precedence over the good of the many.
The First Amendment of the US Constitution protects people’s right to form associations and bring pressure to bear on their leaders. To curtail special-interest groups would undercut a central tenet of our political system. Placing limits on how much money individuals and corporations can spend on campaigns can be interpreted as a violation of their right to free speech.
Require full and immediate disclosure of all meetings between lobbyists and lawmakers or their staff members. But this would result in the need to document an avalanche of minute details, as even the most trivial meetings would have to be recorded.
Create a government-sponsored online clearinghouse to disclose the nature of all special-interest group activities and funding. This would mean more government intrusion into private organizations, and make it impossible for people to support causes anonymously.
Amend the Constitution to reverse the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United v. FEC ruling that allows super PACs to collect unlimited corporate campaign contributions. This would restrict political freedom of speech as guaranteed in the First Amendment.
Require that broadcast media organizations provide free advertising to political candidates, and require campaigns to use only these outlets. Media organizations would give up an important source of revenue and control over their own airwaves, and candidates’ ability to spread their message would be limited, thus curbing their free speech rights.
Restrict and control the revolving door between government and the lobbying industry by instituting and enforcing a waiting period before lawmakers can work for interest groups after leaving office. This would limit officials’ability to use their experience and expertise in their future careers, thereby penalizing them for holding public office.


Increase Responsibility

Our best hope of f...

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