Quantum Antennas
eBook - ePub

Quantum Antennas

Harish Parthasarathy

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  1. 304 pagine
  2. English
  3. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
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eBook - ePub

Quantum Antennas

Harish Parthasarathy

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This book is about several questions regarding how to describe the quantization of the current density in an antenna and about the nature of the quantum electromagnetic field produced by such a quantum current density. The second quantized current density can be built out of the Dirac field of electrons and positrons while the free electromagnetic or photon field is built out of solutions to the wave equation with coefficients being operators, namely the creation and annihilation operators of the photons.

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CRC Press

Chapter 1 Basic quantum electrodynamics required for the analysis of quantum antennas

1.1 Introduction

In this lecture, we discuss various quantum mechanical models for the current field produced in an antenna by the motion of electrons, positrons as well as non-Abelian gauge particles interacting with the gravitational field described the general relativistic metric tensor. Quantization of the electromagnetic field, second quantization of the Dirac field, computation of the current density of the Dirac field and its effect on quantum fluctuations in the radiated electromagnetic field is discussed. Other related problems like image processing algorithms on the antenna pattern are suggested. The Fey...

Indice dei contenuti