The Green New Deal
eBook - ePub
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The Green New Deal

Back to the Stone Age?: Are You Ready for Life Altering Changes?

Shane Roberts

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  1. 250 pagine
  2. English
  3. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
  4. Disponibile su iOS e Android
eBook - ePub
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The Green New Deal

Back to the Stone Age?: Are You Ready for Life Altering Changes?

Shane Roberts

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Countries are built by courage and the will of what we call aEURoeWe and By the PeopleaEUR and are made durable by reasoned actions of people, military actions, political actions that all create environments that foster further constructive growth that support our wide and diverse population. Expectations with healthy thought out needs breed infrastructures and environments we need to protect to ensure future growth insurances for our many peoples who grow at a quickening pace as we move forward.

To protect these environs for our towns and cities, we need a strong governmental system in our states supported by a federal government system, a strong military, a strong and viable agricultural prescience, a strong manufacturing base, a transportation network in shape to handle vigorous growth, a healthy international trade, and energy sources and delivery systems to support a growing population. Of course, we need innovative ideas to improve our systems, making them more efficient as we move forward.

We can all agree upon and expect and treasure our rights and liberties we currently enjoy as a world leader, a society that is an example and is even copied by other nations.

We do not need a disruptive entity proposing total upheaval such as the Green New Deal of any flavor that seeks to destroy our society for a power grab and a socialist plan of action.

We are a strong economy with a functioning government that is a successful republic.

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