Vert.x in Action
eBook - ePub

Vert.x in Action

Asynchronous and Reactive Java

Julien Ponge

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  2. English
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eBook - ePub

Vert.x in Action

Asynchronous and Reactive Java

Julien Ponge

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Informazioni sul libro

Vert.x in Action teaches you how to build production-quality reactive applications in Java. This book covers core Vert.x concepts, as well as the fundamentals of asynchronous and reactive programming. Learn to develop microservices by using Vert.x tools for database communications, persistent messaging, and test app resiliency. The patterns and techniques included here transfer to reactive technologies and frameworks beyond Vert.x. Summary
As enterprise applications become larger and more distributed, new architectural approaches like reactive designs, microservices, and event streams are required knowledge. The Vert.x framework provides a mature, rock-solid toolkit for building reactive applications using Java, Kotlin, or Scala. Vert.x in Action teaches you to build responsive, resilient, and scalable JVM applications with Vert.x using well-established reactive design patterns. Purchase of the print book includes a free eBook in PDF, Kindle, and ePub formats from Manning Publications. About the technology
Vert.x is a collection of libraries for the Java virtual machine that simplify event-based and asynchronous programming. Vert.x applications handle tedious tasks like asynchronous communication, concurrent work, message and data persistence, plus they're easy to scale, modify, and maintain. Backed by the Eclipse Foundation and used by Red Hat and others, this toolkit supports code in a variety of languages. About the book
Vert.x in Action teaches you how to build production-quality reactive applications in Java. This book covers core Vert.x concepts, as well as the fundamentals of asynchronous and reactive programming. Learn to develop microservices by using Vert.x tools for database communications, persistent messaging, and test app resiliency. The patterns and techniques included here transfer to reactive technologies and frameworks beyond Vert.x. What's inside Building reactive services
Responding to external service failures
Horizontal scaling
Vert.x toolkit architecture and Vert.x testing
Deploying with Docker and Kubernetes About the reader
For intermediate Java web developers. About the author
Julien Ponge is a principal software engineer at Red Hat, working on the Eclipse Vert.x project. Table of Contents PART 1 - FUNDAMENTALS OF ASYNCHRONOUS PROGRAMMING WITH VERT.X1 Vert.x, asynchronous programming, and reactive systems2 Verticles: The basic processing units of Vert.x3 Event bus: The backbone of a Vert.x application4 Asynchronous data and event streams5 Beyond callbacks6 Beyond the event busPART 2 - DEVELOPING REACTIVE SERVICES WITHT VERT.X7 Designing a reactive application8 The web stack9 Messaging and event streaming with Vert.x10 Persistent state management with databases11 End-to-end real-time reactive event processing12 Toward responsiveness with load and chaos testing13 Final notes: Container-native Vert.x

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