Reel Rangers
eBook - ePub

Reel Rangers

Texas Rangers in Movies, TV, Radio & Other Forms of Popular Culture

Bill O'Neal

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eBook - ePub

Reel Rangers

Texas Rangers in Movies, TV, Radio & Other Forms of Popular Culture

Bill O'Neal

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For more than a century the world's most famous law enforcement body has inspired novelists, actors, and filmmakers. From "The Lone Ranger" to "Walker, Texas Ranger, " from Zane Grey's "The Lone Star Ranger" to Larry McMurtry's "Lonesome Dove, " Texas Rangers have been portrayed on the silver screen, network radio, and television. John Wayne, Gary Cooper, Tom Mix, Clint Eastwood, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, and a host of lesser Western stars each took his turn at depicting Texas Rangers. Decade by decade, movie by movies, "Reel Rangers" explores in detail-rich popular that has dramatized the heroic mystique of the Texas Rangers.

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An important—and highly enjoyable—part of the research for Reel Rangers was viewing Ranger films. Almost all of the movies and most of the television episodes discussed in this book are available on video. Syndicated episodes of Walker, Texas Ranger, as well as various Ranger movies, frequently are telecast on cable TV. Also significant to the popular culture of Texas Rangers are the sculptures mentioned in the last chapter, as well as the museums in Waco and San Antonio (a number of other Texas museums have Ranger artifacts among their displays). The following books and articles also were helpful in compiling this volume:
Brooks, Tim, and Earle Marsh. The Complete Directory of Prime Time Network TV Shows, 1946-Present. Fourth Edition. New York: Ballantine Books, 1988.
Buscombe, Edward, ed. The BFI Companion to the Western. New York: Atheneum, 1988.
Campbell, Glen, with Tom Carter. Rhinestone Cowboy. New York: Villard Books, 1994.
Cox, Mike. Texas Ranger Tales II. Plano, Texas: Republic of Texas Press, 1999.
Davis, Ronald L. John Ford, Hollywood’s Old Master. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1995.
Dick, Barnard F., ed. Columbia Pictures, Portrait of a Studio. Lexington: The University Press of Kentucky, 1992.
Dunning, John. Tune In Yesterday, The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Old-Time Radio, 1925-1976. Englewood Cliffs, New...

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