Study Guide to The Crucible and Other Works by Arthur Miller
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Study Guide to The Crucible and Other Works by Arthur Miller

Intelligent Education

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Study Guide to The Crucible and Other Works by Arthur Miller

Intelligent Education

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A comprehensive study guide offering in-depth explanation, essay, and test prep for selected works by Arthur Miller, two-time Tony Winner and 1949 Pulitzer Prize Winner for Drama. Titles in this study guide include All My Sons, Death of a Salesman, The Crucible, A Memory Of Two Mondays, A View From The Bridge, After The Fall, and Incident at Vichy. As an influential, yet controversial, figure of American theatre, Miller expertly combined social awareness with a searching concern for his characters' inner ambitions. Moreover, Miller offered his audiences great entertainment mixed with thought-provoking social criticism. This Bright Notes Study Guide explores the context and history of Miller’s classic work, helping students to thoroughly explore the reasons they have stood the literary test of time. Each Bright Notes Study Guide contains: - Introductions to the Author and the Work
- Character Summaries
- Plot Guides
- Section and Chapter Overviews
- Test Essay and Study Q&As The Bright Notes Study Guide series offers an in-depth tour of more than 275 classic works of literature, exploring characters, critical commentary, historical background, plots, and themes. This set of study guides encourages readers to dig deeper in their understanding by including essay questions and answers as well as topics for further research.

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On January 22, 1953, The Crucible opened in New York at the Martin Beck theatre. This was the fifth Broadway offering by Arthur Miller, then but thirty-seven years old. Both the public and the critics had come to expect a great deal from the young playwright whose Death of a Salesman, some four years earlier, had received the Pulitzer Prize and many other coveted awards. Reactions to The Crucible, however, were not altogether favorable. Ostensibly it was a historical play dealing with the witchcraft trials that occurred in seventeenth-century Massachusetts. Yet it seemed also to have contemporary political implications, and some regarded it as a noble effort to demand in our time greater respect for the rights of individuals. On the other hand, some who had been much impressed with the technical virtuosity of Death of a Salesman, found The Crucible a disappointing return to more conventional treatments. In addition, they deplored what seemed to them a slow-moving, rather diffuse first act.
Because of this lukewarm reception, the play ran for only six months closing in July of the same year; whereas Death of a Salesman had been performed 742 times, running for over a year and a half. Subsequently, however, the Salem drama was revised both on and off Broadway and was often on the performance schedule of colleges and little theatre groups. At present its reputation is high. It is no longer so much the subject of heated controversy, since the government investigations it seemed to criticize are no longer headline news. But its solid merits strictly as drama have been increasingly recognized. It is a powerful work, with exciting conflicts, strong suspense, and interesting, admirable characters. Moreover, the dialogue, with its colorful terms from our colonial past, has about it a vigorous, sinewy eloquence. Above all, there is here the passionate expression of an idealism that is characteristically American.
Most critics today would agree that Arthur Miller’s technical proficiency is of a high order. From the time he entered the University of Michigan in the mid-thirties, he has studied and practiced his craft. Actually he won several prizes for playwriting at the University and later wrote radio scripts in New York. He especially admired Henrik Ibsen, the great Norwegian master of the “well-made” or tightly constructed play; but he also was familiar with the work of O’Neill, Odets, and Wilder, as well as that of such European experimentalists as Brecht. All My Sons (1947), the first of his dramas to receive general acclaim, seemed largely to follow the Ibsen tradition. Death of a Salesman, however, two years later, handled its material more freely, cleverly using flashbacks to permit startling insights into its hero’s psychology. The Crucible had a different approach, since to the playwright, the over-all political issues were at least as important as the inner workings of any one character’s mind. Hence, Miller used a long, expository first scene as “overture,” to acquaint his audiences as thoroughly as possible with the tense situation in Salem. Later, in After the Fall, he would again use flashbacks, this time even more extensively than in Death of a Salesman, to reveal how a man’s thinking is influenced by his past. Actually, the important fact about Miller’s style as a dramatist is that he is continually varying it to achieve different effects. So those who expect any new work to follow the course set by the previous one are almost always disappointed. Certain of his experiments, of course, are more successful than others. But he has at least consistently demonstrated an enterprising and progressive approach to his craft.
If Miller is noted for stimulating experiments with technique, he has also been widely discussed as a writer of modern tragedies. In earlier ages, tragic plays had dealt mainly with the overthrow of such powerful figures as kings or generals. Miller, however, has argued that an ordinary modern individual can serve equally well as tragic hero, if he wants something intensely enough to give up everything else in its pursuit. Actually, he need not be thoroughly clear as to his goals - Miller’s tragic figures are often somewhat confused. Yet if there is something decent about what he desires so passionately, he can still be regarded as making a truly tragic commitment.
For example, in Death of a Salesman, Willy Loman is not clear at all in his thinking about success and happiness and the obligations of parent and child. He gives his sons Biff and Happy unrealistic counsel as to how to achieve happiness; and his eventual suicide to get the insurance money for Biff is a highly questionable solution to the family’s problems. Yet, essentially, Willy is a father who wants to provide well for his sons and leave them a splendid heritage. As an over-all objective this is not by any means contemptible. And, according to the Miller theory, there is a recognizable tragic stature even in a poor, distracted, unimpressive salesman, if he is willing to give his life for his convictions.
Somewhat similar patterns are apparent in other Miller plays. Ed Keller in All My Sons puts the interests of his household above all else, and lets the defective plane parts be shipped out from his factory rather than jeopardize the family business. When, however, his son Chris rejects him, he can no longer see any reason to live, and kills himself. Again, in A View from the Bridge, Eddie Carbone, a longshoreman, does not want his young niece to marry a light-hearted immigrant, Rodolpho. Actually, Eddie has subconscious feelings of jealousy that make him regard the young man with unreasonable hostility. Yet Eddie in his own way means well, and the drastic step he eventually takes to prevent the marriage costs him his own life.
In The Crucible, John Proctor, the blunt, sensible farmer, is not so obviously guilty of any such obsession. Yet he, too, is a common man, rather than a traditional influential leader. He is by no means overly anxious to engage in any heroic action. In fact, he tends to be cautious, and even seriously considers confessing to a lie to save his life. Yet in the long run, he cannot sign a statement that he regards as shamefully false. So he goes to his death, his self-respect intact. And many who have hesitated about admitting the tragic stature of such muddled individuals as Willy and Eddie have been more than willing at least to concede it to sturdy, responsible John Proctor.
In addition to being classified as “psychological dramas” and “modern tragedies,” Arthur Miller’s works are sometimes listed as “social dramas.” This last category refers to plays that deal with issues affecting contemporary society. Eugene O’Neill, John Steinbeck, and Clifford Odets were among the American playwrights before Miller who had taken up various social questions. And Miller’s early master, Ibsen, had done much to establish the genre many years before.
In All My Sons, Miller had considered the matter of public responsibility. Ed Keller is a reasonably good American family man, who has even lost a son in the war. But Keller will send out defective products to the Army rather than lose contracts that may destroy his business. He has a normally creditable ambition to leave something valuable to his surviving son, Chris. But Chris - and obviously Miller - insists that as a man Keller has no right to destroy the sons of others to protect the material interests of his own. In developing this situation, Miller is clearly indicting all those Americans who take advantage of a national crisis to turn everything to their own selfish profit.
In Death of a Salesman, there are other aspects of American life that Miller views with suspicion. He objects to the callous, inhumane attitude of a business world, so competitive that it will lack all consideration for workers as individuals. He also criticizes his countrymen’s overemphasis upon material success, and their overstressing of superficial personality traits to the detriment of solid character building.
The Crucible, and such later works as After the Fall and Incident at Vichy, take up again, in more universal terms, the question of social responsibility. Obviously some of those who are supporting the witchcraft persecutions have strictly personal objectives in view. Abigail wants her mean revenge, Putnam wants more land, and the judges want to escape being accused of having acted unjustly. Yet all are shirking their responsibilities as human beings. In addition, John Proctor, when considering the possibility of making a false confession, knows that in so doing he will be betraying his friends to some extent. Proctor, however, is a responsible man, and eventually does the right thing.
Again in After the Fall, Quentin does much thinking about the matter of betrayal, of putting the self above others to whom one owes obligations. And although he personally would never willingly have supported the terrible Nazi persecutions, he wonders, as does Holga, whether anyone who escaped death in them had not in some way been partially guilty. This idea is developed further in Incident at Vichy, Miller’s most recent play, about ten men arrested by the Nazis, who will execute them if they prove to be Jewish. In this work, the prince indicates that he has always viewed the Nazis with loathing and contempt, and has even fled his homeland, because they have contaminated it. But the doctor argues that unless one actively opposes an evil, he is failing in his human responsibility. Of course, once more, Miller is not talking merely of his two characters in a type of situation that existed a generation ego. As a writer of dramas of social criticism, he is advocating that all men accept their obligation to combat continually whatever evils threaten their civilization, even at the sacrifice of immediate personal interests
Born in New York City on October 17, 1915, Arthur Miller was the son of an Austrian-born clothing manufacturer. He grew up in Brooklyn, which he would use as the setting for Death of a Salesman and A View from the Bridge. In both plays he notes changes occurring during those years. Willy Loman, for instance, saw the almost rural area of small houses with flower and vegetable gardens yield to tall apartment buildings. And Alfieri, the lawyer in the later work, saw its waterfront become more “civilized.” Although Miller says little directly about his home life, there are at least autobiographical hints in his plays. The genial side of Joe Keller may well have been suggested by his father’s good-natured joking; and After the Fall indicates that his mother gave early encouragement to his literary promise.
Graduating from Brooklyn’s Abraham Lincoln High School in 1932, Miller hoped to go to college, but the Depression had limited family finances. Several of his works reflect how hard men had to work to make a living during those years. Eddie, in A View from the Bridge, tells of the struggle to support his family; and it is clear that both Ed Keller and Willy Loman never found it very easy to forge ahead. In any event, to earn money toward a higher education, young Miller worked for two years in a warehouse supplying automobile parts. Certain of the more pleasant aspects of this experience he recalls in his short play, A Memory of Two Mondays. Subsequently he was able to go on to the University of Michigan. There he won the Avery Hopwood Award for his first play, The Grass Still Grows. He went on then to write other dramas, completing his college course by means of a part-time newspaper job and help from the National Youth Administration.
Returning east after his 1938 graduation, Miller continued to create plays, while holding various posts to make a living. He is said to have worked in a box factory and the Navy Yard, to have driven a truck, waited on tables, and served as crew-man on a tanker. He also was connected with the Federal Theatre Project, wrote radio scripts, and did research for a film. In 1944 he brought out a war commentary, Situation Normal, and in the following year he published a novel against anti-Semitism, called Focus. His first play to receive a Broadway hearing, as indicated previously, was The Man Who Had All the Luck (1944). But full-scale success was attained actually with All My Sons (1947) and Death of a Salesman (1949).
Both All My Sons and Death of a Salesman deal with the business and domestic problems of middle-class American families. Both concern a father in conflict with two sons whose love and respect he ardently desires. Ed Keller wants, above all, to leave his boys a thriving business. But one, Larry, dies in the war. The other, Chris, is appalled to learn that while he was fighting overseas, his father shipped out defective plane parts. Rejected and condemned by his surviving son, Keller commits suicide. Never so prosperous as Ed Keller, Willy Loman too has great hopes for his sons, especially the elder, Biff. Willy brags to both of his being well-liked, and assures them of a great future awaiting them. Biff, disillusioned upon discovering his father’s deceptions, drifts from job to job, while Happy resentfully makes up for his insignificant position by sensual self-indulgence. Unable to accept their failure and his own, Willy kills himself so that he can at least leave some impressive insurance money.
Of the two, All My Sons is the more conventional in form, with Death of a Salesman achieving fluidity by the skilled use of flashbacks. In both, the heroes are not highly intelligent and are not given to much genuinely perceptive self-criticism. They mean well, in general, but having accepted certain values uncritically, find it hard to see where they went wrong. In both instances their sons come to reject their standards and angrily point out why. This means heartbreak for the older men, with Keller seeing more of the light than Willy ever does. Dramatically there is more good lively conflict in such father-son scenes; and through the opposed points of view Miller is able to make some telling comments upon the twentieth-century American scene.
In 1950, Miller paid tribute to Ibsen, whose work he admired, by adapting the latter’s fiery play about a repudiated idealist, An Enemy of the People. This, however, closed after a short run, although several years later it enjoyed some success off-Broadway. In 1953 Miller offered a new original work, The Crucible, based upon the trials for witchcraft that occurred in Massachusetts in the 1690s. In our own time the term “witch hunt” was sometimes used to describe contemptuously various investigations launched by Congressional and other groups to expose un-American activities. Since it was understood that Miller himself had little sympathy for such official inquiries, many sought to reduce his play to simple allegory. Actually it is no mere propaganda piece, although certainly there is, by implication, criticism of the attitudes and methods of some later interrogators. Subsequently Miller himself was to be called before a Congressional Committee and convicted for failing to cite the names of those formerly known to have engaged in radical activities. And his 1963 drama After the Fall would have more to say regarding such political probes.
The Crucible tells of the havoc wrought in early Salem when some restless young girls claim that wishes are abroad in the village. Their leader, the beautiful and vindictive Abigail Williams, hopes for revenge against Elizabeth Proctor, from whose service she was dismissed after having had an affair with Elizabeth’s husband, John. As more accusations are made, and many, including Elizabeth, arr...

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