Lucille Mathurin Mair
eBook - ePub

Lucille Mathurin Mair

Verene A. Shepherd

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eBook - ePub

Lucille Mathurin Mair

Verene A. Shepherd

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Lucille Mathurin Mair (née Walrond) made a mammoth contribution to women in Jamaica and across the world. In this biography, Verene Shepherd traces Mair's evolving ideology through her roles as professional historian, wife, mother, mentor, diplomat, national and international civil servant, legislator, and women's rights activist. Mair's tireless commitment to the principles of justice and equality for women guided her work and she particularly sought to centre women of the Global South in the development agenda.

The accounts of Mair's myriad and often uncredited contributions at the University of the West Indies, the United Nations, and as a senator in the Government of Jamaica are enhanced by previously unpublished extracts from her notes and personal papers and interviews with her friends and colleagues. Shepherd weaves these sources together to give us a thought-provoking study of the evolution of a rebel woman.

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FOUN 1301

Multiple Choice Questions 1

1. Identify the generally accepted sources of law in most Commonwealth Caribbean countries.
(a) Tort Law, Contract Law, Criminal Law and Property Law;
(b) Common Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law and Property Law;
(c) Constitution, Common Law, Legislation, Custom;
(d) Legislation, Common Law, Constitution;
(e) International Law, Custom, Constitution.
2. Laissez-faire as a government philosophy means which of the following?
(a) The government should join trading partners to enact joint regulations;
(b) The national government should regulate all economic activities by setting price and wage levels;
(c) The government should regulate monopolies;
(d) The government should allow the market to regulate economic activities through the invisible hand;
(e) The government should regulate trade unions strictly.
3. Which legislative body derives its name from a Latin word meaning “old men”?
(a) Parliament;
(b) Congress;
(c) Court;
(d) Senate;
(e) Assembly.
4. Toni, a resident of Dominica, loses her case before the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal. She wishes to appeal against the decision of the Court of Appeal but does not know which court will hear the appeal. To which court would you send her appeal?
(a) The Caribbean Court of Justice;
(b) The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council;
(c) The local Privy Council;
(d) The local Supreme Court;
(e) The United Kingdom Supreme Court.
5. In 2020, the Caribbean Court of Justice delivered an Advisory Opinion in a case concerning two categories of workers from St. Kitts-Nevis and Antigua and Barbuda. The main result of this Advisory Opinion is that the two countries may opt out of a commitment to allow workers in the two categories from other countries from working in St. Kitts-Nevis and Antigua and Barbuda. Identify the two categories of workers considered in the Advisory Opinion.
(a) Musicians and politicians;
(b) Hoteliers and bankers;
(c) Agricultural workers and security guards;
(d) Artistes and sportspersons;
(e) University graduates and service providers.
6. In which 1993 case did the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council hold that detention on death row for more than five years was presumed to be inhuman or degrading punishment or treatment, and contrary to the Jamaican Constitution?
(a) Neville Lewis v. The A.G. of Jamaica;
(b) Lambert Watson v. The A.G. of Jamaica;
(c) Pratt and Morgan v. The A.G. of Jamaica;
(d) Trimmingham v. The State;
(e) Boyce and Joseph v. R.
7. Which of the following general terms is often used to denote the system of government in most Commonwealth Caribbean countries?
(a) The Red House system;
(b) The Common Law system;
(c) The national bicameral system;
(d) Republicanism;
(e) The Westminster system.
8. Identify the main constitutional issue involved in the 2006 decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in the case of Florence Bobb and Girlie Moses v. Manning.
(a) Whether the Prime Minister has the power to appoint the Chief Justice;
(b) Whether the Prime Minister may chair the local Privy Council;
(c) Whether the Government may abolish Privy Council appeals without having a referendum;
(d) Whether the Prime Minister is authorized to proceed with governance following a tied election;
(e) Whether the Caribbean Court of Justice may overturn decisions of the Privy Council.
9. Who wrote the book, “The Black Jacobins” about the St. Domingue Revolution?
(a) George Padmore;
(b) CLR James;
(c) Eric Williams;
(d) Elsa Goveia;
(e) Bridget Brereton.
10. In which Commonwealth Caribbean jurisdiction did the death penalty case of Charles Matthew v. The State originate?
(a) St. Kitts-Nevis;
(b) Grenada;
(c) Trinidad and Tobago;
(d) Antigua and Barbuda;
(e) Guyana.
11. The W...

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