Eat That Frog! Action Workbook
eBook - ePub

Eat That Frog! Action Workbook

Brian Tracy

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  1. 144 pagine
  2. English
  3. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
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eBook - ePub

Eat That Frog! Action Workbook

Brian Tracy

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Informazioni sul libro

The workbook version of the international bestseller helps you stop procrastinating and gives you skills to get more of the important things done. There's an old saying that if the first thing you do each morning is eat a live frog, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing you're done with the worst thing you'll have to do all day. For Brian Tracy, eating a frog is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging task—but also the one that can have the greatest positive impact on your life. Eat That Frog! shows you how to organize each day so you can zero in on these critical tasks and accomplish them efficiently and effectively. The core of what is vital to effective time management is: decision, discipline, and determination. This workbook puts the ideas of the original book into action. By following the same twenty-one-chapter format as the book, each chapter includes exercises for you to reflect on your own habits. You'll also learn through the experience of a narrative character who is struggling with procrastination in her work and home life and uses Eat That Frog! to improve her time management performance. Praise for Brian Tracy: "Personal success and Brian Tracy are synonymous. Nobody I know can teach you more about how to succeed and achieve than Brian. He makes the case clearly and then proves it with his own remarkable life. If he recommends it, do it. He knows what he's talking about." –Jim Cathcart, author of The Acorn Principle

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Set the Table

Goals are the fuel in the furnace of achievement. The bigger your goals and the clearer they are, the more excited you become about achieving them. The more you think about your goals, the greater become your inner drive and your desire to accomplish them.


1. With written goals, you’ll be far more productive and efficient than people who just carry goals around in their heads. Use the space below to make a list of 10 goals you want to accomplish in the next year. Write your goals as though a year has already passed and they are now a reality. If you have trouble getting them down on your own, consider talking to your boss or a trusted confidant.
Goal 1: ____________________________
Goal 2: ____________________________
Goal 3: ____________________________
Goal 4: ____________________________
Goal 5: ____________________________
Goal 6: ____________________________
Goal 7: ____________________________
Goal 8: ____________________________
Goal 9: ____________________________
Goal 10: ___________________________
2. Review your list of 10 goals and select the one goal that, if you achieved it within 24 hours, would have the greatest positive impact on your life.
Write it down on the line provided. Set a deadline. Then make a list of every thing that you can think of that you can do to achieve that goal.
Finally, take action. Do something every day that moves you at least one step toward that goal.
Goal: ______________________________________
Deadline: ___________________
1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________
6. _____________________________________
7. _____________________________________
8. _____________________________________
9. _____________________________________
10. _____________________________________
3. Organize your list of activities by priority and sequence. Create a checklist, where each task appears in the order it needs to be done. Take some time to get this right—what needs to be done first and what can wait, what needs to be done before other activities can be completed. Then resolve to do something right now toward achieving your goal.

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