Fan Phenomena: Twin Peaks
eBook - ePub
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Fan Phenomena: Twin Peaks

Franck Boulègue, Marisa C. Hayes, Franck Boulegue, Franck Boulegue

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  1. 164 pagine
  2. English
  3. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
  4. Disponibile su iOS e Android
eBook - ePub
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Fan Phenomena: Twin Peaks

Franck Boulègue, Marisa C. Hayes, Franck Boulegue, Franck Boulegue

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David Lynch and Mark Frost's television series Twin Peaks debuted in April 1990 and by June of 1991 had been cancelled. Yet the impact of this surreal, unsettling show – ostensibly about the search for homecoming queen Laura Palmer's killer – is far larger than its short run might indicate. A forerunner of the moody, disjointed, cinematic television shows that are commonplace today, Twin Peaks left a lasting impression, and nowhere is that more clear than in the devotion of its legions of loyal fans.

Fan Phenomena: Twin Peaks is the first book of its kind to revisit Lynch and Frost's ground-breaking series and explore how the show's cult status continues to thrive in the digital era. In ten essays, the contributors take a deeper look at Twin Peaks' rich cast of characters, iconic locations and its profound impact on television programming, as well as the impact of new media and fan culture on the show's continued relevance. Written by fans for fans, Fan Phenomena: Twin Peaks is an intelligent yet accessible guide to the various aspects of the show and its subsequent film. Featuring commentary from both first-generation and more recent followers, these essays capture the endlessly fascinating universe of Twin Peaks, from Audrey Horne's keen sense of style to Agent Cooper's dream psychology. The first non-academic collection that speaks to the show's fan base rather than a scholarly audience, this book is more approachable than previous Twin Peaks critical studies volumes and features colour images of the series, film and fan media. It will be welcomed by anyone seduced by the strangeness and camp of Lynch's seminal series.

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