Mornings Like This
eBook - ePub

Mornings Like This

Annie Dillard

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  1. 96 pagine
  2. English
  3. ePUB (disponibile sull'app)
  4. Disponibile su iOS e Android
eBook - ePub

Mornings Like This

Annie Dillard

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"Found poems are to their poet what no-fault insurance is to beneficiaries: payoffs waiting to happen where everyone wins and no one is blamed.Dillard culls about 40 such happy accidents from sources as diverse as a The American Boys Handy Book (1882) and the letters of Van Gogh....the poet aims for a lucky, loaded symbolism that catapults the reader into an epiphany never imagined by the original authors." — Publishers Weekly

In Mornings Like This, beloved author Annie Dillard has given us a witty and moving collection of poems in a wholly original form, sure to charm her fans, both old and new.

Extracting and rearranging sentences from old and odd books—From D.C. Beard's "The American Boys Handy Book" in 1882 to Van Gogh's letters to David Greyson's "The Countryman's Year" in 1936—Dillard has composed poems on poetry's most heartfelt themes of love, nature, nostalgia, and death. A unique, clever, and original collection, Dillard's characteristic voice sounds throughout the pages.

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—Brent Q. Hafen, Ph.D., and Keith J. Karren, Ph.D.,
Prehospital Emergency Care and Crisis
(Few people are Initially prepared for the sights, smells, and
sounds of intense human suffering.)
Introduce yourself to the patient.
If you have time and are in doubt,
Simply ask, “What
Would you like me to call you?”
Cut clothing away quickly
To see a bleeding site clearly.
Put on a pair of latex
Or surgical gloves to protect yourself …
Many religious people
Attach great significance
To religious symbols.
Unless it is necessary for treatment,
Do not remove crosses or amulets.
Observe circumstances, collect
Suicide notes, and compile
The relevant materials. Is the patient
Restless, irritable, or combative?
It is best to wait rather
Than try to remove weapons
Or potential weapons from unstable
Victims, relatives, bystanders.
Ask someone, “Will you please
Turn off the TV?” Or do it yourself.
Say, “Please sit
On the ground on her left side,
Ma’am, and hold her hand.
Talk to her. Don’t move
Her arm, and don’t let her move
Her head. I’m going
To be checking her hips and legs.”
Comment positively on the aid
Already given (for example,
“You’ve done a good job
Of immobilizing the head”).
Take a hand, pat
A shoulder. Remember that
You have to be comfortable doing it,
And not just trying it as a gimmick.
Squeezing a foot or patting
An ankle, if you are working
Near the foot is not
Usually considered intimate.
Patting above the knee is.
Sometimes a man receiving
Help from a woman EMT
Or a woman patient being treated
By a male EMT will automatically
Respond to comforting physical
Gestures with flirtatious behavior.
Do not respond by flirting back.
Ask questions about an area
Or organ before you examine it.
Ask: What’s your name?
What’s happening to you?
Where were you going, or where
Are you? Can you tell me the date
(Day of the week, year)?
Document the patient’s condition
Precisely—”disoriented to time.”
Depending on the urgency of the situation,
Either ask yes-or-no questions
(“Have you eaten today?” “Does it hurt
When you move your arm?”)
Or open-ended questions
(“When does the pain come on?”
“Tell me about your last meal”).
How intense is the pain?
Dull? Throbbing? Sharp?
Crushing? Stabbing? Does
The pain change in intensity
Or remain constant? What
Started it? How long ago?
What can the patient feel?
Can he identify the stimulus?
How does he respond to pain?
With unconscious or sleeping patients,
Determine how easily
They can be aroused.
If they cannot be aroused
By verbal stimuli, can
They be aroused by a pain
Stimulus like a pinch?
If the patient does not respond
To voice, try pain.
Your patient is RESPONSIVE
If he seems to be unconscious but will:
• Open his eyes if you speak to him.
• Respond to a light touch on the hand.
• Try to avoid pain.
The answer you receive from the patient
When you ask, “Can you tell me where
You are hurt?” is the CHIEF COMPLAINT.
In many instances, this
Will be obvious, such as the patient
Who lies bleeding in the street
After being struck by an automobile.
Even in this circumstance, however,
It is useful to determine
What is bothering the patient most.
Check the Facial Features.
Feel the Head and Neck.
Check the Clavicles and Arms.
Check the Chest. In injury
Patients, feel for air
Crackling beneath the skin.
Check the Abdominal Region.
Sudden pokes will make
The muscles tense.
Check the Pelvic Region
For Tenderness. Damage here
Can cause great pain,
So be gentle.
Check the Back.
Check the Feet, Ankles, and Legs.
Describe pulse amplitude by using the following scale:
4+ Bounding
3+ Normal
2+ Difficult to palpate
1+ Weak and rapid, thready
0 Absent
Avoid traffic accidents
While going to the scene of an accident
Or to the hospital. Use a seat belt …
Park safely and carefully.
Check all equipment.
Keep the interior clean.
Are all your bandage wraps cleaned up?
If there is any question
About the patient’s condition, assume
The worst and work from there.
If a patient requests
That you pray with him, do so.
What Happens if a Patient
Files Suit? [How to document:]
Draw a thin line
Through an error.
Never erase an error.
Another legal situation
Is death. If a person is obviously
Dead (crushed, decapitated,
Rigor mortis setting in),
You may be required
To leave the body at the site.
If death is imminent either
On the scene or in the ambulance,
Be supportive and reassuring
To the patient, but do not lie.
If a patient asks, “I’m dying,
Aren’t I?” respond
With something like, “You
Have some very serious injuries,

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