The Adversity Advantage
eBook - ePub

The Adversity Advantage

Turning Everyday Struggles into Everyday Greatness

Erik Weihenmayer, Paul Stoltz

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  2. English
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eBook - ePub

The Adversity Advantage

Turning Everyday Struggles into Everyday Greatness

Erik Weihenmayer, Paul Stoltz

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From the world's foremost blind athlete and a Harvard Business School lecturer comes an inspiring, seven-step program for converting both mundane and dramatic struggles into the kind of fuel that spur personal and professional greatness. Adversity is one of the most potent forces in life. It shapes your character, clarifies your priorities, and defines your path. It can also fuel your greatness. Each of us faces a rich assortment of adversities every day, ranging from minor hassles to major setbacks and challenges, even tragedies. Nobody knows this better than blind adventurer Erik Weihenmayer and adversity expert Dr. Paul Stolz. In this exciting new edition of The Adversity Advantage, this dream-team joined forces to offer incredible experiences and practical science to teach you how to turn life challenges into a powerful advantage. Weihenmayer, who is the only blind person to climb Mount Everest and the Seven Summits, shares his struggles on high mountains to turn adversity on its head and do the impossible. Coauthor Stoltz has spent decades decoding the human relationship with adversity and is the creator of the globally acclaimed Adversity Quotient. Fully revised and updated, this new edition of The Adversity Advantage offers lessons from real-life adventure, seemingly insurmountable challenges, and extensive research to help you achieve greatness. This unique book provides an exciting and insightful framework for surpassing obstacles and reaching higher goals. Its seven proven principles will help you harness the adversity in your life and turn it into agility, innovation, energy, and happiness: Ā· Take it on!
Ā· Summon your strength
Ā· Engage your core
Ā· Pioneer possibilities
Ā· Pack light, pack right
Ā· Suffer well
Ā· Deliver greatness, every dayLet The Adversity Advantage inspire you to overcome obstacles, no matter how daunting!

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Aconcagua, 39, 41ā€“46, 90
advantages and benefits of, xix, xxiv, 15, 21ā€“22, 206, 211
avoiding action in, 32
big vs. small, 12
cost of, 173
defining of, 8, 18
as fuel, xviii, xxiā€“xxii, xxv, 20, 25ā€“27, 32ā€“33, 47, 79, 83, 85, 132, 161
inner and outer, 8
need for, xixā€“xxi, 22, 108
prevalence of, 7
scoring of, 9ā€“10
seeking and creating of, 10ā€“12
sorting of, 25, 29ā€“30
Adversity Assumptions, 21ā€“22, 207
Adversity Continuum, xxiiā€“xxiv, 12ā€“20, 22ā€“24, 32, 107, 202
everyday greatness and, xxiv, 205, 207
packing and, 131, 142
Adversity Inventory, xxii, 22ā€“30, 33, 206
Adversity Strengths, xxiii, 51ā€“56, 64ā€“67, 211
Regular and, 51ā€“55, 207ā€“8
of team members, 58ā€“60, 64ā€“65
alchemy, xxiiiā€“xxiv, 12, 25ā€“26, 45, 91, 130, 146, 207
Alexander, Eric, 160
Ama Dablam and, 62ā€“66
Elbrus and, 101ā€“5
Ama Dablam, 62ā€“67, 154
Antarctica, 97ā€“98, 124ā€“28
packing for, 125ā€“28, 132
Vinson Massif in, 124, 126ā€“27, 130
AQ (Adversity Quotient), xii, xviii, xxā€“xxi, 76ā€“91, 108, 140, 203, 205
climbing Everest and, 80, 84, 86ā€“87
CORE and, 78ā€“85
improvement of, 77ā€“79, 85ā€“91
Arctic Team Challenge, 166
aspirations, xxiv, 23ā€“26, 28ā€“29, 42, 45, 57, 218
attitudes, 31ā€“32, 34, 53, 178
CORE and, 76, 81, 92
packing and, 131, 135ā€“37
Avoiding Adversity, avoiding adversity, 2, 14ā€“17, 19, 23ā€“24, 40
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