The Science of Money
eBook - ePub

The Science of Money

How to Increase Your Income and Become Wealthy

Brian Tracy, Dan Strutzel

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  2. English
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eBook - ePub

The Science of Money

How to Increase Your Income and Become Wealthy

Brian Tracy, Dan Strutzel

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The subject of "money" remains one of the most fascinating, thought provoking, emotional, polarizing and well researched subjects in the world. Scores of books, articles, blog posts, and speeches have been written on what money is, how to earn it, how to spend it, who has it and who does not and a myriad of other topics related to the effects that it produces. And yet, despite the constant focus and interest on the topic, there is one word that describes the average person's views around money: confusion. Now let world renowned bestselling author and business consultant, Brian Tracy, teach you the "science of money"... tested and proven not just for years, but for millennia. If you simply study the ideas in this book, and apply them to your life and your business, you too, can become financially successful.

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G&D Media
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
abundance mentality
accelerating acceleration, law of
accumulation, law of
action and reaction, law of
advice from experts
Affluent Society, The (Stanley)
Alice in Wonderland (Carroll)
American Management Association
Apple; iPhone; iPod
Army Corps of Engineers
athletes, professional
attraction/magnetism, law of
Austrian school of economics
Automatic Millionaire, The (Bach)
automobiles. see cars
Bach, David
bank loans
Baruch, Bernard
Bastiat, Frederick
Becker, Gary
being needs
belief, law of
Berkshire Hathaway
Bezos, Jeff
Billings, Josh
Blakely, Sara
Buffett billionaires
Buffett, Warren
Bush, George W.
business failure rates
business forms; C corporation; LLC (limited liability company); S corporation; sole proprietorship
business model reinvention
business models
business plans
Business Week magazine
capital gains taxes
cargo cults
Carrey, Jim
cars: automobile insurance; extended car loans; manufacturing process; new versus used
Carter, Jimmy
cash: credit cards versus; reserves
cash flow
cause and effect, law of
C corporation
children: allowances; entrepreneurship of; happiness and
China: offshoring by Apple; offshoring by IBM; U.S. debt and
choice, law of
Clason, George
Cleveland Clinic
Clinton, Bill
Collins, Jim
Columbia University
Colvin, Geoffrey
commodity trading
competition; competitive mindset; in investing; in the workplace
competitive advantage
compounding, law of
connectivity, law of
conservation, law of
consignment sales
continuous and never-ending improvement (CANEI)
continuous improvement
correspondence, law of
creative mind-set
credit cards; cash purchases versus; debt consolidation; how to use; special offers
credit ratings
cross collateral
crossover time
customer cocreation
Davis, Marvin
days worked per week
day trading
De Angelis, Barbara
debt management; bank loans; bankruptcy; car loans; collateral; credit card (see credit cards); debt consolidation; documents concerning; eliminating debt; good and bad debt; good faith payments; home equity line of credit; interest-only payments; line of credit; mortgages; national debt; personal guaranty; snowball method to pay down; starting a business; student loans
decreasing returns, law of
deferred compensation plans
“deficiency” needs
de Gaulle, Charles
delayed gratification
Democracy in America (Tocqueville)
DeVos, Rich
digital marketing
disability insurance
distortions in economy
divine discontent
dollar cost averaging
Drucker, Peter
Ducaisse, Alain
due diligence
Dun & Bradstreet
earning ability: appreciating/depreciating; investing in increasing
earning years
economics; Austrian school; laws of; log rolling; national debt; Santa Claus (see something for nothing); taxes; unfunded liabilities; Yellow Pages test
Economics on One Lesson (Hazlitt)
educational attainment
E factor (expediency factor)
Einstein, Albert
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
employees: earning ability; mind-set to become an entreprene...

Indice dei contenuti