Winning at Internet Poker For Dummies
eBook - ePub

Winning at Internet Poker For Dummies

Mark Harlan, Chris Derossi

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eBook - ePub

Winning at Internet Poker For Dummies

Mark Harlan, Chris Derossi

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Über dieses Buch

Take poker online the fun and easy way! Five years ago, 50 million people were playing poker recreationally or professionally. Now that number is more than 100 million, including a huge influx of young people. Online betting is up nearly four-fold over the past year, with total wagers running over $30 billion. Winning at Internet Poker For Dummies provides the lowdown on the hottest game around, highlighting the best sites and virtual games and showing how to make secure online bets. The book covers setting up an account, securing funds, navigating a basic online poker game, using Internet abbreviations and lingo, observing online poker etiquette, playing popular online poker games such as Texas Hold 'Em and Omaha, devising a winning strategy, and participating in tournaments.

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Part I

Internet Poker Basics

In this part . . .
H ere we cover all the basics: the hardware and software you need, criteria for choosing a site of quality, and the nitty-gritty of moving your money online. We even give a tour of an online poker table.
Chapter 1

Creating a Winning Combination: Poker, the Internet, and You

In This Chapter

Winning cold, hard cash (or maybe soft, electronic cash)
Understanding the differences between the real and cyber worlds
Assembling the necessary hardware, software, and poker knowledge
T he online poker boom has been astounding. At the end of 2004, at any given moment, more than 10,000 players were competing on over 150 poker sites. On any given day, combined bets totaled more than $130 million. And the numbers keep going up.
And not surprisingly, not all the new attendees play poker well. Sure, you have to watch out for some sharks, hustlers, and poker savants; but the misfits, slackers, and the terminally distracted greatly outnumber the dangerous players. In online play in general, and especially at the lower-limit tables, you have the potential to make a lot of money.
In this chapter, we talk about the basics of Internet poker, as well as the raw materials you need to play a truly fascinating form of America’s favorite card game (and recently, America’s favorite game, period).
And the rest of the book? Well, we talk about everything else there.

Me, Winning on the Internet? You Bet!

In case you’re confused by the title of the book, we should get one thing clear from the start: Yes, you can win money playing poker on the Internet. Recognizing that, however, doesn’t make it easy. Even if you’ve “mastered” brick-and-mortar play, you can’t simply walk in and take the candy from all the Net brats. You come screen to screen with some pretty tough players. Heck, Net dwellers have won the past two World Series of Poker Main Events in Las Vegas. But coming out on top of your favorite game is certainly possible, and to do that you need to know your poker theory and have money to put on the virtual table.
The most important thing to understand about Internet poker is that you’re still playing poker.

Knowing your poker theory

With very few exceptions, nearly all the poker theory you already know and have gleaned over your life applies in the Internet world. You must deal with nuances and fine points, yes (and you can bet that we cover those in detail, such as in Chapter 3), but poker is poker, no matter the form or forum.
If you’re looking for general poker theory, you can’t find much of it here (with the exception of single-table tournaments on demand, which we cover in Chapters 12 and 13), but you can find the info in books like Poker For Dummies (Wiley). If you aren’t familiar with the nuances of poker itself, you should read and study up on general theory first before you play with any hard currency online.
In any betting situation, the basis to making money is being more informed than your opponent. If you ignore reading up on poker theory, the players who aren’t so cavalier will beat you in the long run.
If you’re not completely up on poker theory, don’t let it stop you from getting started. You can always play for free chips, which we talk about in Chapter 8. In fact, you can also play in free-roll tournaments, where you pay nothing and still have a chance to win hard currency (check out Chapter 10).

Just like real money, but faster

Yes, the money you play for online is the real deal. That’s the good news, of course. The bad news is you can lose real money as well.
Because of the speed of computer play, a full Internet table goes through more than twice as many hands per hour than the brick-and-mortar equivalent. That means you can expect your money swings to be twice as big on the Net: If you play a winning strategy, you win twice as fast; if you play a losing strategy, you watch your money walk away at double the speed.
Chapter 8 goes into detail about easing into money play online with micro-limit (small-limit) games. We talk more about the ramifications of speed in Chapters 3 and 5.

Dealing with the dough

In order to win money, you have to throw in a few bucks yourself. Such is the law of the land when it comes to poker (except for those extra-special free-roll tournaments). So before you can play for hard currency online, you have to get money to your poker site — which can scare some people silly. We first want to tell you: You have safe outlets to get your money online . . . and safe ways get it out again. The most common mechanism for money transfer is through electronic payment services that you connect directly to your bank account. You can write an electronic check as well. For more information about all things green, see Chapter 4.
If you don’t want to lose a lot of cash while you learn, we recommend free-chip games and free-roll tournaments as tools to get you up to speed. (See Chapters 8 and 10.) But only play these forms of “poker” to get used to the Internet and to get familiar with a particular game. When you’re comfortable playing at these levels, make sure you move on.
If you play too long with no potential for loss, you’re bound to develop some bad poker habits, which we also cover in Chapter 10.

Stepping Out of the Casino Mentality

Although they both offer run-of-the-mill poker, the online poker environment is far different from the brick-and-mortar world surroundings. You need to give up what you know and love about playing in the casino and hunker down by yourself, in the corner, with your computer. Besides your physical surroundings, you experience other differences too . . . like when you want to actually play, you have to first download a poker site’s software. Next you have to realize that looking for tells is a bit different, because your opponent may be sitting somewhere across the planet rather than across the table in front of you. And if you’re still desiring a bigger challenge, don’t worry: You also have to deal with bigger bets online.

Playing poker on the download

To get up and running in the online world, you need a poker client (a program that runs on your computer) that you download from the poker Web site of your choice. When you play, your client talks to a poker server on your site. The server acts partially as a communication mechanism between you and the other players. When you make any action (call, raise, bet, fold, sit down at the table, and so on), your client passes that information to the server, which relays the action to all your opponents. When your opponents make an action, your site’s server relays the information back to you.
We talk about how to pick a quality site in Chapter 2. Downloading software is super easy, and we also cover installation and use in Chapters 2 and 3.

Looking for tells online

The most obvious difference between the physical and the online world is that you don’t have another player glaring at you from across the table. The lack of pl...
