Stop the Investing Rip-off
eBook - ePub

Stop the Investing Rip-off

How to Avoid Being a Victim and Make More Money

David B. Loeper

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eBook - ePub

Stop the Investing Rip-off

How to Avoid Being a Victim and Make More Money

David B. Loeper

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Über dieses Buch

The Investing Rip-Off

How can you tell whether an advisor is conflicted or looking out for your best interests?

What questions should you ask when making important investment decisions?

How can you select investments that avoid needless expenses and risk?

As investors, many of us have put our faith in the financial services industry when it comes to the stewardship of our wealth. Unfortunately, the industry has consistently failed us on this front.

The financial services industry—including banks, brokerages, and insurance companies—is unique among all others. Through effective advertising and marketing, it's been able to evade being painted with the brush other underperforming industries have, and in most cases, their well-designed sales pitch has allowed them to effectively prey on the emotional desires of investors.

Based on author David Loeper's nearly twenty-five years of experience with this industry's inner workings, Stop the Investing Rip-off reveals the real costs of the investments we make, details the false and misleading information sold to us, and discusses the devastating effects they can have on personal wealth. With this book as your guide, you'll gain invaluable insights into the major segments of the financial services industry, how they spin their offerings, and the questions you need to ask before committing any money to a financial product or service you may be interested in.

Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, Stop the Investing Rip-off sheds much-needed light on the often-unseen aspects of the financial services industry—exposing what¿only insiders know—and shows you how to avoid the conflicts of interest that could compromise your financial well-being.

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