Beginning Database Design Solutions
eBook - ePub

Beginning Database Design Solutions

Rod Stephens

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eBook - ePub

Beginning Database Design Solutions

Rod Stephens

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Über dieses Buch

The vast majority of software applications use relational databases that virtually every application developer must workwith. This book introduces you to database design, whether you're a DBA or database developer. You'll discover what databases are, their goals, and why proper design is necessary to achieve those goals. Additionally, you'll master how to structure the database so it gives good performance while minimizing the chance for error. You will learn how to decide what should be in a database to meet the application's requirements.

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Part I
Introduction to Databases and Database Design
Chapter 1: Goals of Effective Database Design
Chapter 2: Database Types
Chapter 3: Relational Database Fundamentals
The chapters in this part of the book provide background that is useful when studying database design.
Chapter 1 explains the reasons why database design is important. It discusses the goals that you should keep in mind while designing databases. If you keep those goals in mind, you can stay focused on the end result and not get bogged down in the minutiae of technical details. If you understand the goals, you can know when it might be useful to bend the rules a bit.
Chapter 2 describes several different kinds of databases. While this book (and most other database books) focuses on relational databases, there are other kinds of databases that are better suited to some tasks. If you know what alternatives are available, you can decide which will work best for you. (I once worked on a 40-developer project that failed largely because it used the wrong kind of database. Don't let that happen to you!)
Chapter 3 provides background on relational databases. It explains common relational database terms and concepts that you need to understand the chapters that follow. You won't get as much out of the rest of the book if you don't understand the terminology.
Even if you're somewhat familiar with relational databases, give these chapters at least a quick glance to make sure you don't miss anything important. Pay particular attention to the terms described in Chapter 3, because you'll need to know them later.
Chapter 1
Goals of Effective Database Design
Using modern database tools, just about anyone can build a database. The question is, will the resulting database be useful?
A database won't do you much good if you can't get data out of it quickly, reliably, and consistently. It won't be useful if it's full of incorrect or contradictory data. It also won't be useful if it is stolen, lost, or corrupted by data that was only half written when the system crashed.
You can address all of these potential problems by using modern database tools, a good database design, and a pinch of common sense, but only if you understand what those problems are so you can avoid them.
Step one in the quest for a useful database is understanding database goals. What should a database do? What makes a database useful and what problems can it solve? Working with a powerful database tool without goals is like flying a plane through clouds without a compass: you have the tools you need but no sense of direction.
This chapter describes the goals of database design. By studying information containers such as files that can play the role of a database, it defines properties that good databases have and problems that they should avoid.
In this chapter, you learn:
  • Why a good database design is important.
  • Strengths and weaknesses of different kinds of information containers that can act as databases.
  • How computerized databases can benefit from those strengths and avoid those weaknesses.
  • How good database design helps achieve database goals.
  • What CRUD and ACID are, and why they are relevant to database design.
Understanding the Importance of Design
Forget for a moment that this book is about designing databases and consider software design in general. Software design plays a critical role in software development. The design lays out the general structure and direction that future development will take. It determines which parts of the system will interact with other parts. It decides which subsystems will provide support for other pieces of the application.
If an application's underlying design is flawed, the system as a whole is at risk. Bad assumptions in the design creep into the code at the application's lowest levels, resulting in flawed subsystems. Higher-level systems built on those subsystems inherit the design flaws and soon their code is corrupted, too.
Sometimes a sort of decay pervades the entire system and nobody notices until relatively late in the project. The longer the project continues, the more entrenched the incorrect assumptions become and the more reluctant developers are to suggest scrapping the whole design and starting over. The longer problems remain in the system, the harder they are to remove. At some point, it may be easier to throw everything away and start over from scratch, a decision that few managers will want to present to upper management.
Project Management
A friend of mine who is an engineer was working on a really huge satellite project. After a while, the engineers all realized that the project just wasn't feasible given the current state of technology and the design. Eventually the project manager was forced to admit this to upper management and he was fired. The new project manager stuck it out for a while and then he, too, was forced to confess to upper management that the project was unfeasible. He, too, was fired.
This process continued for a while with a new manager taking over, realizing the hopelessness of the design, and being fired until eventually even upper management had to admit the project wasn't going to work out and the whole thing collapsed.
They could have saved time, money, and several careers if they had spent more upfront time on the design and either fixed the problems or realized right away that the project wasn't going to work and scrapped it at the start.
Building an application is often compared to building a house or skyscraper. You probably wouldn't start building a multibillion dollar skyscraper without a comprehensive design that is based on well-established architectural principles. Unfortunately software developers often rush off to start coding as soon as they possibly can. Coding is more fun and interesting than design is. Coding also lets developers tell management and customers how many lines of code they have written so it seems like they are making progress even if the lines of code are corrupted by false assumptions. Only later do they realize that the underlying design is flawed, the code they wrote is worthless, and the project is in serious trouble.
Now back to database design. Few parts of an application's design are as critical as the database's design. The database is the repository of the information that the rest of the application manages and displays to the users. If the database doesn't store the right data, doesn't keep the data safe, or doesn't let the application find the data it needs, then the application has little chance for success. Here the GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out) principle is in full effect. If the underlying data is unsound, it doesn't matter what the application that uses it does; the results will be suspect at best.
For example, imagine that you've built an order tracking system that can quickly fetch information about a customer's past orders. Unfortunately every time you ask the program to fetch a certain customer's records it returns a slightly different result. Though the program can find data quickly, the results are not trustworthy enough to be usable.
Or imagine that you have built an amazing program that can track the thousands of tasks that make up a single complex job such as building a cruise liner or passenger jet. It can track each task's state of completion, determine when you need to order new parts for them to be ready for future phases of construction, and can even determine the present value of future purchases so you can decide whether it is better to buy parts now or wait until they are needed. Unfortunately the program takes hours to recalculate the complex task schedule and pricing details. Though the calculations are correct, they are so slow that users cannot reasonably make any changes. Changing the color of the fabric of a plane's seats or the tile used in a cruise liner's hallways could delay the whole project.
Or suppose you have built an efficient subscription application that lets customers subscribe to your company's quarterly newsletters and data services. It lets you quickly find and update any customer's subscriptions and it always shows the same values for a particular customer consistently. Unfortunately, when you change the price of one of your publications you find that not all of the customers' records show the updated price. Some customers' subscriptions are at the new rate, some are at the old rate, and some seem to be at a rate you've never seen before. (This example isn't as far-fetched as it may seem. Some systems allow you to offer sale prices or special incentives to groups of customers, or they allow sales reps to offer special prices to particular customers. That kind of system requires careful design if you want to be able to do things like change standard prices without messing up customized pricing.)
Poor database design can lead to these and other annoying and potentially expensive scenarios. A good design creates a solid foundation on which you can build the rest of the application.
Experienced developers know that the longer a bug remains in a system the harder it is to find and fix. From that it logically follows that it is extremely important to get the design right before you start building on top of it.
Database design is no exception. A flawed database design can doom a project to failure before it has begun as surely as ill-conceived software architecture, poor implementation, or incompetent programming can.
Information Containers
What is a database? This may seem like a trivial question, but if you take it seriously the result can be pretty enlightening. By studying the strengths and weaknesses of some physical objects that meet the definition of a database, you can learn about the features you might like a computerized database to have.
A database is a tool that stores data, and lets you create, read, update, and delete the data in some manner.
This is a pretty broad definition and it includes a lot of physical objects that most people don't think of as modern databases. For example, an envelope full of business cards, a notebook, a filing cabinet full of customer records, and your brain all fit this definition. Each of these physical databases has advantages and disadvantages that can give insight into the features you mig...
