Medieval and Renaissance Fashion
eBook - ePub

Medieval and Renaissance Fashion

90 Full-Color Plates

Raphaël Jacquemin

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  1. 96 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Medieval and Renaissance Fashion

90 Full-Color Plates

Raphaël Jacquemin

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Über dieses Buch

Knights clad in chain mail populate these pages, alongside crowned heads in royal regalia and common folk in their finest apparel. Scrupulously authentic in every detail, these images offer colorful portraits that span centuries of fashion, from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance.
Raphaël Jacquemin was preeminent among the fashion illustrators and historians of nineteenth-century Europe's golden age of fashion design publications. His 1869 Iconographie Générale et Méthodique du Costume du IV au XIX Siècle drew upon manuscripts, reliefs, and effigies from the Louvre, university libraries, and other archives for the most striking and accurate fashion statements from the fourth through seventeenth centuries. This collection features ninety of Jacquemin's magnificent hand-colored engravings, a gallery of iconic portraits that have served as museum exhibits in their own right. Fashion designers, artists, costumers, and others seeking authenticity of period detail—as well as inspiration for contemporary styles—will find this book a splendid resource.

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4th –10th Centuries
  1. Soldier of the 4th Cohort
  2. Legionary Centurion
  3. Theodosius the Great
  4. Emperor Honorius
  5. Galla Placidia
  6. Valentine III
  7. Justinian I and Theodora
  8. Italo-Roman Princess
  9. Italo-Roman Prince
  10. Italo-Roman Princess
  11. Charles the Bald and Emperor Lothair
  12. Civilian and Military Personages
11th Century
  • 13. Henry I, King of France
  • 14. Emperor of Germany
  • 15. Warriors of William the Conqueror
  • 16. Nicephore Botaniate
  • 17. Byzantine Prince
  • 18. French Chiefs
  • 19. William the Red
12th Century
  • 20. French Chief
  • 21. Monarchs and Women of Southern Europe
  • 22. Geoffrey Plantagenet
  • 23. Queen of France
13th Century
  • 24. Bérengère of Navarre, etc.
  • 25. Knight of Charpingie
  • 26. Bishop of Tournai
  • 27. Henry of Metz, Marshall, etc.
  • 28. Conrad of Thuringia, etc.
  • 29. King Louis IX
14th Century
  • 30. Italian Lords
  • 31. German Personages
  • 32. German Knights at a Tournament
  • 33. Lord of Flavacourt
  • 34. Knight-Counts of Neuchatel
  • 35. Catherine of Neuchatel-Bourgogne
  • 36. Italian Personages
  • 37. Kings and Queens of France
  • 38. Men-at-Arms of King John
  • 39. Pope
  • 40. Anne, Dauphine of Auvergne
15th Century
  • 41. Italian Cavalcade
  • 42. Counts of Holland
  • 43. Dukes of Brittany and Bourbon
  • 44. Tuscan Ladies
  • 45. Elegant Youth
  • 46. Ladies of France
  • 47. Battista Sforza, Duchess of Urbino
  • 48. Venetian Personages
  • 49. French and Burgundian Princes
  • 50. Venetian Men-at-Arms
  • 51. Venetian Noble
  • 52. Beatrice D’Este-Sforza
  • 53. Jean François de Gonzague
  • 54. Venetian Noblemen
  • 55. King Charles VIII
  • 56. Pope
  • 57. Flemish Noblewoman
16th Century
  • 58. Flemish No...
