The Schubert Song Transcriptions for Solo Piano/Series III
eBook - ePub

The Schubert Song Transcriptions for Solo Piano/Series III

The Complete Schwanengesang

Franz Liszt

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  1. 208 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfĂŒgbar
eBook - ePub

The Schubert Song Transcriptions for Solo Piano/Series III

The Complete Schwanengesang

Franz Liszt

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Über dieses Buch

The foremost pianist-composer of his day, Franz Liszt unselfishly promoted the works of his fellow composers through his brilliant piano transcriptions of their music. Among his most inspired contributions to the literature were his legendary transcriptions of Franz Schubert's songs.
This volume — the third and last in Dover's popular series of Liszt-Schubert song transcriptions — contains Schubert's complete Schwanengesang (Swan Song), including `Abschied,` `Am Meer,` `Das Fischermädchen,` `Ständchen` (the world-famous `Serenade`), `Der Doppelganger,` and nine other great lieder.
Reproduced from extremely rare early editions edited by Liszt himself, these dazzling transcriptions retain all the lyric beauty and emotional depth of Schubert's original music, yet reflect Liszt's incomparable mastery of the difficult art of transcription from the original medium of voice and piano to that of solo piano. A modestly priced collection of hard-to-find treasures of 19th century literature, these unique facsimile reproductions will be prized by pianists and all lovers of fine music.

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