CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints
eBook - ePub

CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints

Rob Foster

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  1. 330 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints

Rob Foster

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CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints

Table of Contents

CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints
About the Author
About the Reviewers
Support files, eBooks, discount offers, and more
Why subscribe?
Free access for Packt account holders
What this book covers
What you need for this book
Who this book is for
Reader feedback
Customer support
Downloading the example code
1. Introduction and Shared Project Resources
Common resources
Twitter Bootstrap
Headers and footers
Downloading CodeIgniter
CodeIgniter on newer versions of PHP
Installing Twitter Bootstrap
Removing index.php from the address bar
Installing and using Sparks
Creating a shared header and footer view
Common language items
Creating the MY_Controller file
Autoloading common system resources
Security considerations
Moving the system folder
Error messages
Query binding
2. A URL Shortener
Design and wireframes
File overview
Creating the database
Adjusting the routes.php file
Creating the model
Creating views
Creating the view file–views/create/create.php
Creating the view file–views/nav/top_nav.php
Creating controllers
Creating the controller file–controllers/create.php
Creating the controller file–controllers/go.php
Creating the language file
Putting it all together
Creating a shortened URL
Retrieving a URL
3. Discussion Forum
Design and wireframes
The View All Discussions page
The View Discussion/Add Comment page
The New Discussion page
The admin Dashboard page
File overview
Creating the database
Adjusting the config.php file
Adjusting the routes.php file
Creating the models
Creating the model file – models/discussions_model.php
Creating the model file – comments_model.php
Creating the model file – admin_model.php
Creating views
New discussion
The top_nav file
The login view
The login_header file
The signin.css file
Creating the controllers
The discussions controller
The comments controller
The admin controller
Creating the language file
Putting it all together
A user creates a discussion forum
A user comments on a discussion forum
A user dislikes a comment and flags it for moderation
A moderator reviews comments awaiting moderation
4. Creating a Photo-sharing Application
Design and wireframes
The create item
The do_upload item
The go item
File overview
Creating the database
Adjusting the config.php and autoload.php files
Adjusting the routes.php file
Creating the model
Creating the views
Creating the controllers
Creating the language file
Putting it all together
5. Creating a Newsletter Signup
Design and wireframes
The Home – index() and Signup – index() items
Settings/Unsubscribe – settings()
File overview
Creating the database
Adjusting the routes.php file
Creating the model
Creating the views
Creating the controllers
Creating the language file
Putting it all together
User subscribes
User updates their settings
User unsubscribes
6. Creating an Authentication System
Design and wireframes
Me – editing details
Viewing all users
Creating users
Editing the user details
Deleting a user
Sign in
File overview
Creating the database
Adjusting the config.php file
Adjusting the routes.php file
Creating the models
Creating the views
Creating the controllers
Creating the language file
Putting it all together
User registration
Ensuring correct access
7. Creating an E-Commerce Site
Design and wireframes
Home – index()
Add to cart – add()
Cart – display_cart()
User Details – user_details()
File overview
Creating the database
Adjusting the config.php file
Adjusting the routes.php file
Creating the model
Creating the views
Creating the controllers
Creating the language file
Putting it all together
Filtering a search
Adding to cart
Altering the product quantity
8. Creating a To-do List
Design and wireframes
View All/Create
File overview
Creating the database
Adjusting the config.php file
Adjusting the routes.php file
Creating the model
Creating views
Creating the controller
Creating the language file
Putting it all together
User adds a task
User changes the task status
9. Creating a Job Board
Design and wireframes
File overview
Creating the database
Adjusting the config.php file
Adjusting the routes.php file
Creating the model
Creating views
Creating the controller
Creating the language file
Putting it all together
User creates a job advert
User looks at a job
User searches for a job
User applies for a job

CodeIgniter Web Application Blueprints

Copyright © 2015 Packt Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.
Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.
Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
First published: January 2015
Production reference: 1140115
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78328-709-3


Rob Foster
Alexandros Dallas
Sharafat Ibn Mollah Mosharraf
Commissioning Editor
Amarabha Banerjee
Acquisition Editor
Nikhil Karkal
Content Development Editor
Rohit Kumar Singh
Technical Editor
Taabish Khan
Copy Editors
Stuti Srivastava
Laxmi Subramanian
Project Coordinator
Mary Alex
Samuel Redman Birch
Stephen Copestake
Ameesha Green
Clyde Jenkins
Rekha Nair
Sheetal Aute
Valentina D'silva
Production Coordinator
Melwyn D'sa
Cover Work
Melwyn D'sa

About the Author

Rob Foster has been working in the field of web development for almost 10 years, working for various IT sectors. He has interests in CodeIgniter, Laravel, and iOS programming.
While not hunched over a computer ruining his eyesight, he enjoys drinking good quality wine, appreciates varieties of fine cheese, and has a liking for a pair of comfortable, elastic slacks!
Rob has also written CodeIgniter 2 Cookbook, Packt Publishing, and was a technical editor for SUSE Linux 10 Bible, Wiley.
