GameSalad Essentials
eBook - ePub

GameSalad Essentials

Miguel DeQuadros

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  1. 154 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

GameSalad Essentials

Miguel DeQuadros

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GameSalad Essentials

Table of Contents

GameSalad Essentials
About the Author
About the Reviewer
Support files, eBooks, discount offers and more
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What this book covers
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Who this book is for
Reader feedback
Customer support
Downloading the example code
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1. Setting Up GameSalad
Looking into version 0.11
Downloading and installing GameSalad
Why do I need an account?
Mac installation
Windows installation
A quick tour of the interface
Tabs in GameSalad
2. From Design to Production
The design process
From paper to screen
Creating our Project
3. Diving In – Introductions and Menus
Logo animation
Creating the main menu
Selecting levels
Creating our introduction
Working with particles
Adding emotion to the scene
4. Diving In – Player Creation
Controls and player movement
Mobile controls
Melee weapons
5. Diving In – Gameplay Mechanics
Health, dying, and lives
Scoring and Saving Games
Power ups, ammo, and inventory
6. Diving In – Enemies
Creating enemies
Motion and path finding
Enemy health
7. Diving In – Objectives
Way finding
Boss battles!
Multi-platform publishing
Spreading the word about your awesome game!
A. The Challenges of Game Development
Examples of developers who made it big
Phil Fish and FEZ
Edmund and Tommy-Super Meat Boy
The challenges of game development
How GameSalad makes it all easy

GameSalad Essentials

Copyright © 2015 Packt Publishing
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First published: January 2015
Production reference: 1240115
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78439-197-3
Cover image by Miguel DeQuadros ()


Miguel DeQuadros
Aaron Beaty
Dirk Schembri
Acquisition Editor
Neha Nagwekar
Content Development Editor
Shubhangi Dhamgaye
Technical Editors
Akashdeep Kundu
Deepti Tuscano
Copy Editor
Shivangi Chaturvedi
Project Coordinator
Harshal Ved
Simran Bhogal
Paul Hindle
Clyde Jenkins
Rekha Nair
Production Coordinator
Nilesh R. Mohite
Cover Work
Nilesh R. Mohite

About the Author

Miguel DeQuadros is a game developer and founder of the independent development studio Wurd Industries, based in Ontario, Canada. He has been developing iPhone games since the release of the App Store back during the exciting release of iOS 2.0. Since then, working under Wurd Industries, he has developed and released nine games and one entertainment app worldwide on the App Store, with more to come.
Originally interested in 3D animation and graphical design, in 2008, he got the game development "bug" and has been developing iPhone apps ever since, which also allows him to use his creativity and knowledge of 3D animation for cutscenes and videos within his apps, and he loves every minute of it. Starting from his first project, Toy Tennis, back in 2008 down to his current project, SpaceRoads, for the PC, Mac, and other platforms, he now has switched focus away from mobile platforms, and is focusing on PC, Mac, and console-based development. He now primarily uses Unity3D, 3D Studio Max, and the Unreal engine for his current and future projects in an aim to create very high-quality games.
His games can be seen on the App Store on iOS, Steam Greenlight, Amazon, and IndieCity, and of course on his website, His games have been reviewed on YouTube by Action Soup Studios, who have also interviewed him about the games.
He began expressing interest in GameSalad when it was first launched in March 2009, but never started using it until January 2010 when he started to develop his third iOS game, iMMUNE 2: Rise of the Salmonella, a 2D platformer sequel to the iMMUNE series. To this day, he continues as a professional member of the GameSalad community and continues to use GameSalad for prototyping and developing games for iOS devices, and has even even branched out to personal computer game development.


I would like to thank my dad, John, even though he called me every 2 seconds to see how my book was going. I'd also like to th...
