Power Up Your PowToon Studio Project
eBook - ePub

Power Up Your PowToon Studio Project

Bruce Graham

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  1. 250 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Power Up Your PowToon Studio Project

Bruce Graham

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Power Up Your PowToon Studio Project

Table of Contents

Power Up Your PowToon Studio Project
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1. Structure of a PowToon Studio Project
Why do animations work?
When could I use a PowToon?
The renaissance of storytelling
Structure of a PowToon
Features and the balance of simplicity
The magic formula for mixing the elements
Cognitive overload
Adding the power of surprises and laughter to the mix
PowToon licenses
What is the perfect length for a PowToon?
2. Getting the Best from Color in PowToon
PowToon and the color wheel
Ways of combining colors
Analogous color schemes
Monochromatic color schemes
Triad color schemes
Complementary color schemes
Split-complementary color schemes
Why is all this important?
Colors in culture
Color blindness
3. The Dashboard
Creating an account, logging in, and the dashboard
Navigating the dashboard
The great big CREATE button!
Editing an existing PowToon
Playing an existing PowToon
Deleting and duplicating a PowToon
Searching/filtering based on project names
Renaming a PowToon
Changing the project description and tagging your PowToon
Publishing your PowToon Studio project
Downloading to a local .mp4 file
Sharing PowToons
The transcript option
4. Getting Started
So let's begin!
The PowToon Studio screen
The timeline
The play options
Slide navigation area
The working area
Creating your PowToon!
Another way to edit
5. Storyboarding and Scripting
What is a storyboard?
Why is it so important to create a storyboard?
The five-step model for storytelling
Telling a story
Make sure that you actually have a story to tell!
Focus on the story – everything else is unwanted "filler"
Remember that the story has to engage your audience and not you!
What do you write?
The commercial example
The social example
The personal example
Rapid prototyping in PowToon
6. Backgrounds, Characters, and Props
The Edge feature
Keep it simple
Changing the perspective with backgrounds – cropping and magnifying
Building your own background from the existing PowToon assets
Mixing and matching backgrounds
Changing a background for emphasis
Character size and perspective
Character orientation
Custom characters
Using the character as a prop
Manipulating props
Adding your own props
Image holders, markers, and shapes
Image holders
Manipulating characters and props on the stage
Prop and character orientation
The Grid feature
The Swap feature
The Split feature
Moving characters and props around the stage
The right-click options
How to construct and compose your overall image
The Golden Ratio
The rule of thirds
Remember your audience
More information on images
The .swf files
Deleting images
The Media Search option
7. Animations, Animating, and Transitions
Animating objects
The Hand option
Scrubbing a slide to view the animation
Animated objects
Using animations to enhance the meaning of the content
Transitions (animations between slides)
8. Text
A tiny bit of theory – serif versus sans serif
How to insert text
Using the animated text options
Text placement
Text size
Creative use of text
Speech and thought bubbles
Text angling
Style strings
Mixing text sizes and styles in leading characters
Moving the text in and out of a PowToon Studio slide
Top text tip
9. Voiceover and Music
Getting started
The Sound Manager options
Import File
Inserting music tracks
Muting and deleting sound
Important considerations with music and voiceover
Volume and relative levels
Choosing your music
Do you actually need a voiceover?
Creating a voiceover that you do not keep!
Voiceover recording tips
10. Sharing and Enhancing Your Project
Exporting your project
What can you do with your PowToon now?
A. The Latest Features
Action buttons
Preview and Publish buttons
Undo and Redo

Power Up Your PowToon Studio Project

Copyright © 2015 Packt Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.
Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, t...
