Mastering jQuery UI
eBook - ePub

Mastering jQuery UI

Vijay Joshi

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  1. 312 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Mastering jQuery UI

Vijay Joshi

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Mastering jQuery UI

Table of Contents

Mastering jQuery UI
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1. Designing a Simple Quiz Application
Setting up jQuery UI
Downloading the required files
Using jQuery/jQuery UI libraries with a CDN
Setting up the folder structure for the JavaScript and CSS files
Creating the layout
Markup for the quiz page
Styling elements
Making the quiz functional
Displaying data on the page
Draggable country names
Droppable capital names and scoring
Accepting a draggable element
The drop event
Resetting the quiz
Improving the quiz
2. Building a Jigsaw Puzzle Game
Getting ready
Creating the layout
Creating the markup for the puzzle
Styling elements
Making the puzzle functional
Creating slices of the image
The CSS background-position property
Starting the game
Handling events for puzzle pieces
Checking for puzzle completion
Resetting the puzzle
Improving the puzzle
3. Creating a Website Tour
Getting ready
Designing the home page
Writing markup for the page
Styling elements
Making the tour functional
Initializing accordion and tooltips
Defining the dialog
Defining the tour steps
Initializing the tour
Displaying a tour step
Making the Previous and Next buttons functional
Ending the tour
Improving the tour
4. Creating a Tabbed News Reader
Creating the folder structure
Designing the page
Writing markup for tabs
Styling the content
Getting the code structure ready
Adding event handlers in the init method
Displaying posts of a subreddit
Creating the tab structure
Building the DOM for posts
Getting comments for a post
Improving MyjqReddit
5. Implementing CAPTCHA using Draggable and Droppable
Creating the folder structure
Implementing the drag and drop CAPTCHA
Setting a random color
Displaying the CAPTCHA
Making the drag and drop functional
Validating on the server
Improving the color CAPTCHA
Creating the slider CAPTCHA
Generating minimum and maximum values for the slider
Making the slider functional
Validating the slider values
Improving the slider CAPTCHA
Creating the number CAPTCHA
Generating the five-digit number
Displaying CAPTCHA on the page
Adding the sortable functionality
Validating the number on the server
6. Creating an Event Timeline Using a Slider
Creating the folder structure
Designing the page
Styling the content
Getting the code structure ready
Creating the timeline markup from data
Implementing the timeline functionality
Making the slider work
The if block
The else block
Dragging the year window
Displaying event details when a year window is clicked on
Closing the event details window
Improving the timeline
7. Using jQuery UI with Google Maps API
Creating the folder structure
Getting a Google Maps API key
Designing the page
Styling the content
Getting the code structure ready
Setting minimum and maximum prices
Displaying hotels in accordion
Setting up the spinner
Displaying the map
Setting markers and infowindows in the map
Implementing the slider
Improving the functionality
8. Creating a Photo Album Manager
Creating the folder structure
Designing the page
Creating placeholders for albums and pictures
Writing markup for dialog boxes
Styling the content
Creating the JSON file for albums
Getting code structure ready
Implementing the initialize method
Filling album names
Displaying the albums
Making the pictures sortable
Initializing dialogs for edit, delete, and zoom
Handling click events for edit, delete icons, and zooming pictures
Editing, deleting, and rearranging pictures
Editing a picture name
Deleting a picture
Rearranging pictures of an album
The ajaxAlbum.php file
Improving album manager
9. Creating Widgets Using the Widget Factory
The folder structure
Creating a widget to search data in a table
Writing markup for the table
Styling the content
Implementing the widget
Defining the widget structure
Setting up default options
Initializing the widget and attaching event handlers
Filtering the table
Making changes when the option value is changed
Destroying the widget
Calling the widget from the page
Improving the searchable widget
Creating a widget to display a slideshow
Writing markup for slides
Styling the content
Implementing the widget
Defining the widget structure
Setting up default options
Initializing the widget and displaying the first slide
Displaying slides one by one
Making changes when the option value is changed
Destroying the widget
Calling the widget from the page
Improving the banner widget
10. Building a Color Picker with Hex RGB Conversion
Setting up the folder structure
Writing markup for the page
Styling the content
Implementing the color picker
Defining the object structure
The init method
Changing colors and updating the spinner
The getHexColor method
Converting to hex
Improving the Colorpicker
11. Creating a Fully Functional Dashboard
Setting up the stage
Designing the page
Styling the content
Getting the code structure ready
Initializing the portlets
Implementing sharing buttons
Displaying Flickr photos
Creating a weather widget
Displaying posts from the reddit front page
Creating an image display widget
Improving the portlets
A. Best Practices for Developing with jQuery UI
General Guidelines
Using a CDN
Use a customized build of jQuery UI
Using the jQuery UI icons
Be specific about elements as much as possible
Chain, chain, and chain
Cache selectors
Cache your loop variables
DOM manipulation is costly
Using jQuery UI Themeroller to customize a theme

Mastering jQuery UI

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Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.
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