Microsoft Azure Security
eBook - ePub

Microsoft Azure Security

Roberto Freato

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eBook - ePub

Microsoft Azure Security

Roberto Freato

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Microsoft Azure Security

Table of Contents

Microsoft Azure Security
About the Author
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1. The Fundamentals of Security Standards
Information security fundamentals
CIA triangle
Security management
Risk analysis
Physical measures and logical measures
Introducing ISO/IEC 27000
Physical security and controls
Security boundaries
Mobile equipment
Logical security and controls
Human resources
Access control
Mobile devices
Software management
Laws and regulations
Security in software development
Local development tools
Access to source code
Credentials management
Security standards in Azure
Implementing security, privacy, and compliance
2. Identity and Access Management for Users
IAM in the current portal
Creating a custom Azure Active Directory
Configuring the Azure Directory user access
Adding a co-administrator to the subscription
Securing the Microsoft account
Two-step verification
Authenticator app
IAM in the Preview portal
Role-Based Access Control
Hierarchy of security objects
Adding a user in the Preview portal
Advanced authentication
Multi-Factor Authentication
Setting up Multi-Factor Authentication
Management Certificates
Setting up a Management Certificate
3. Platform as a Service
Hosting the code
Cloud Services
Remote endpoints
Remote Desktop
Startup tasks
Microsoft Antimalware
Network communication
Project Kudu
Connection modes
Settings and connection strings
Hosting the data
Account keys
Shared Access Signatures
Scalability and performance targets
SQL Database
Setting up firewall rules
Setting up users and roles
Connection settings
Working with a cache
Azure Managed Cache
Named caches
Azure Redis Cache
Working with the Service Bus
Shared Access Policies
4. Infrastructure as a Service
Virtual Machines
External security
Creation: Windows versus Linux
Endpoints and ACLs
Networking and isolation
Internal security
Operating system firewall
Auditing and best practices
Virtual Networks
Network Security Groups
Hybrid networks
Azure Backup
Configuring a backup vault
Registering a server
Scheduling backups
5. Identity and Access Management for Developers
Azure Active Directory
Single-tenant applications
Inspecting messages
Available claims and security groups
Multi-tenant applications
Consent Framework
Azure AD Graph API
Directory extensions
Azure AD Access Control Service
Configuring Facebook as an Identity Provider
Configuring Azure AD as an Identity Provider
Applying claims transformations
Integration with ASP.NET
Azure Key Vault
Creating a Key Vault
Creating the vault
Adding a key or secret
Using the .NET client library

Microsoft Azure Security

Copyright © 2015 Packt Publishing
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Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
First published: April 2015
Production reference: 1310315
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
Livery Place
35 Livery Street
Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78439-997-9


Roberto Freato
Jignesh Gangajaliya
Christos Matskas
Marco Parenzan
Naveen Kumar Vijayakumar
Commissioning Editor
Amarabha Banerjee
Acquisition Editor
Reshma Raman
Content Development Editor
Samantha Gonsalves
Technical Editor
Gaurav Suri
Copy Editor
Sonia Michelle Cheema
Project Coordinator
Kinjal Bari
Simran Bhogal
Ameesha Green
Bernadette Watkins
Mariammal Chettiyar
Valentina D'silva
Disha Haria
Abhinash Sahu
Production Coordinator
Manu Joseph
Cover Work
Manu Joseph

About the Author

Roberto Freato has been an independent IT consultant ever since he started working. He worked for small software factories while he was studying; after an MSc degree in computer science engineering and a thesis on consumer Cloud computing, he specialized particularly in Cloud computing and Azure. Currently, he works as a freelance consultant for companies in Italy, helping clients to design and kickoff their distributed software solutions. He conducts training sessions for the developer community in his free time, giving lectures at conferences. He has also been a Microsoft MVP since 2010.
