openFrameworks Essentials
eBook - ePub

openFrameworks Essentials

Denis Perevalov, Igor (Sodazot) Tatarnikov

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  1. 206 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

openFrameworks Essentials

Denis Perevalov, Igor (Sodazot) Tatarnikov

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openFrameworks Essentials

Table of Contents

openFrameworks Essentials
The pro goes ashore
The era of self-education
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1. Getting Started with openFrameworks
What is openFrameworks?
Installing openFrameworks
The openFrameworks folder structure
Running your first example
The video synthesizer application
Three reasons to create your own video synthesizer with openFrameworks
2. Creating Your First openFrameworks Project
Creating and running a new project
Creating a project
Running a project
Discovering the project's code structure
Setting up the screen
Centering the coordinate system
A simple drawing
Setting drawing color
Drawing primitives
Geometric patterns
The stripe pattern
A stripe pattern made from parallel lines
Inserting the function declaration
Inserting the function definition
Inserting the function calling
A stripe pattern made from rotating lines
A stripe pattern made from rotating triangles
3. Adding a GUI and Handling Keyboard Events
Creating a GUI using the ofxGui addon
Implementing a simple GUI panel with sliders
Using the sliders' values
Implementing the autosave feature
Creating groups of controls
Using the sliders' values
Implementing a checkbox, a color selector, and a 2D slider
Using the controls' values
Experimenting with the project
Handling keyboard events
Hiding the GUI
Saving a screenshot
Saving a preset using the system save dialog
Loading a preset using the system load dialog
Implementing the matrix pattern generator
Using the sliders' values
Experimenting with the matrix pattern generator
4. Working with Raster Graphics – Images, Videos, and Shaders
Raster images in openFrameworks
Drawing an image file
Playing a video file
Grabbing a live video from a camera
Mixing layers using additive blending
Creating the mixer's GUI
Implementing the mixer's functionality
Creating the video effect with a shader
Redirecting drawing to the offscreen buffer
Drawing the offscreen buffer contents and enabling smoothing
Implementing the kaleidoscope effect
Creating the fragment shader
How it works
Creating the vertex shader
Using created shaders in the project
5. Creating 3D Graphics
Introduction to 3D graphics with openFrameworks
openFrameworks classes for surface representation
Drawing a wireframe sphere
Creating a camera
Controlling the camera with a mouse
Disabling mouse control for the camera when the GUI is visible
Camera automation
Drawing a solid sphere
The things needed for shading the surface
Drawing a solid sphere with shading
Texturing the sphere
Preparing a texture
Setting texture coordinates
Activating texturing
Mixing 2D and 3D with the GUI
Deforming a sphere
Deforming by formulas
Extruding the sphere
6. Animating Parameters
Using time values for a parameter's automation
Implementing a simple LFO
Implementing a pseudorandom LFO with Perlin noise
Using the level of sound for a parameter's automation
Playing and analyzing an audio file
Getting the level of a sound signal
Capturing sound from a sound card's input and measuring its level
Reading data from a text file
Controlling automation
7. Distributed and Physical Computing with Networking and Arduino
Distributed computing with networking
Networking in openFrameworks
The ofxNetwork addon
The ofxOsc addon
Implementing the OSC messages receiver
Creating an OSC sender with openFrameworks
Sending OSC messages between two separate computers
Connection troubleshooting
Creating OSC senders with TouchOSC, Python, and Max/MSP
Creating an OSC sender for a mobile device using the TouchOSC app
Creating an OSC sender with Python
Creating an OSC sender with Max/MSP
Physical computing with Arduino
Programming an Arduino board
Receiving data from Arduino in the openFrameworks project
Connection troubleshooting
Connecting more devices
8. Deploying the Project on iOS, Android, and Raspberry Pi
Running the project on an iOS device
Implementing video synthesizer for iOS
Building a project for iPad
Deploying the project on an iOS device
Using accelerometer
Running the project on an Android device
Installing s...
