Raspberry Pi Essentials
eBook - ePub

Raspberry Pi Essentials

Jack Creasey

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  1. 212 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Raspberry Pi Essentials

Jack Creasey

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Raspberry Pi Essentials

Table of Contents

Raspberry Pi Essentials
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1. Getting Started with Raspberry Pi
Let's get started
Unboxing the Raspberry Pi
Configure power for Pi
Local display, keyboard, mouse, or remote headless access
Selecting a screen
Connecting VGA displays
Getting your SD Card ready
Booting the Raspberry Pi for the first time
It's time to power up the Pi
No video on initial boot
Final installation configuration
A quick tour of the desktop
Instructions for downloading all project files
2. Configuring the Raspberry Pi Desktop and Software
Hardware and software networking configuration
Client reservations for Ethernet and wireless
Configuring the Raspberry Pi desktop and software
Keeping the development environment up to date
Setting up a screensaver
Manually locking your session
Desktop and file manager accelerators
Adding root privileges to the PCManFM file manager
Programming on the Raspberry Pi
Developing with Bash shell scripts
Project 1 – Building a talking clock with a Bash script
Creating project files and directories
Building a talking clock with Python 3
3. Raspberry Pi and Cameras
Connecting cameras to the Raspberry Pi
PiCam and PiNoIR
Project architecture for the Raspberry Pi security camera
Features and limitations of the cameras
Testing camera capability
Viewing CPU resource for the luvcview application
Verifying the PiCam operation
Controlling data storage for video
Testing the data storage limit
Project 1 – Running raspivid as a background service
Project 1a – Creating a Bash script to drive raspivid
Testing the picam.sh script
Project 1b – Creating a movement detector with a USB camera
Test the webcam installation
A final word on resolution and frame rate for movement detection
Project 2 – Combining the webcam movement detector and the PiCam camera
Project 3 – Creating a simple Python GUI for the security application
4. Raspberry Pi Audio Input and Output
Audio quality and bandwidth
Audio capability on the Raspberry Pi
Limited headphone output
Understanding the ALSA configuration
Configuring the default device for ALSA
Configuring the Raspberry Pi to support high-quality sound
Project 1 – Installing an advanced audio playback application
Building an Internet radio based on VLC and Raspberry Pi
Project 2a – Running VLC in the background for the Internet radio
Starting VLC automatically at reboot
Project 2b – Designing a playlist file for the Internet radio
Chapter 4 supplemental materials
Project 2c – Parsing the playlist file for the Internet radio
Project 2d – Implementing a Python text interface to VLC
Project 3 – Implementing a TKinter GUI for the Internet radio
Running tktest.py
Creating a clock in the radio UI
Running tkradio.py
Recording sound files on the Pi
5. Port Input and Output on the Raspberry Pi
Understanding Raspberry Pi digital input and output ports
Using breakout boards with the Raspberry Pi
Driving LEDs as output indicators
Python LED demo
TKinter LED demo
Block 1 – initialization
Block 2 – on/off buttons
Block 3 – monostable function
Block 4 – loop flash
Block 5 – PWM flash
Block 6 – TKPWM flash and toggle tkrun
Block 7 – start the application
TKinter switch demo
Block 1 – the activity indicator
Block 2 – the Edge switch detector
Block 3 – the Event switch detector
Adding a physical switch interface to the Internet radio
Project 1 – Add a switch interface to the Internet radio
6. Driving I2C Peripherals on the Raspberry Pi
Getting started with I2C
Understanding address fields
Driving RC servos
Raspberry Pi software requirements for SMBus
Programming the PCA 9685 to drive a servo
PCA 9685 addressing and registers
Project 1 – Python control of a PWM board driving RC servo motors
Code block 1 – imports, constants, and variables
Code block 2 – I2C access functions
Code block 3 – the PCA9685 specific code
Code block 4: the test code
Other demo code
7. Going Mobile with Raspberry Pi
Remote access to the Raspberry Pi
Using PuTTY remote access
Installing PuTTY on Microsoft Windows
Remote access from Linux and OSX
Testing your remote session from a PC or Mac
Battery power systems
Selecting regulators
Measuring Raspberry Pi project current
Potential battery power solutions
Adafruit PowerBoost 1000 Basic
Adafruit PowerBoost 500C
Power banks as an alternative mobile power system
Project 1 – Selecting a project battery capacity
8. Creating a Raspberry Pi Line-following Robot
Implementing a line-following robot
Line-following robot architecture
Software architecture
Software module functions
Implementing rbuttons.py
Downloading rbuttons.py and test-buttons.py
Implementing rcam.py
Installing the pip manager
Installing the pip package manager
Installing Pillow
Downloading rcam.py
Implementing rwheel.py
Downloading rwheel.py and test-rwheel.py
Implementing navigate.py
Downloading navigate.py
The steering methodology
Open loop servo control
Analyzing camera data
Steering algorithm
Time to build the mobile system
Checking wireless connectivity
Line-following robot
Assembling the robot
How to bring up your robot
Navigating the robot

Raspberry Pi Essentials

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