Implementing Cloud Design Patterns for AWS
eBook - ePub

Implementing Cloud Design Patterns for AWS

Marcus Young

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eBook - ePub

Implementing Cloud Design Patterns for AWS

Marcus Young

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Implementing Cloud Design Patterns for AWS

Table of Contents

Implementing Cloud Design Patterns for AWS
About the Author
About the Reviewers
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1. Introduction
Introduction to AWS
Cloud computing service models
Infrastructure as a Service
Platform as a Service
Software as a Service
Benefits of moving to the Cloud
Common problems encountered at AWS
Underlying hardware failures
Improving the end user experience
Monitoring and log-gathering
2. Basic Patterns
Introducing Vagrant
Snapshot pattern
Stamp pattern
Scale up pattern
Scale out pattern
On-demand disk pattern
Volume resize
Change volume from magnetic to SSD
Increase I/O through software RAID
3. Patterns for High Availability
Multi-server pattern
Multi-data center pattern
Floating IP pattern
Deep health check pattern
4. Patterns for Processing Static Data
High availability storage
Direct storage hosting
Private data delivery
Content delivery networks
Rename distribution pattern
5. Patterns for Processing Dynamic Data
Clone server pattern
NFS sharing pattern
State sharing pattern
URL rewriting pattern
Cache proxy pattern
6. Patterns for Uploading Data
Write proxy pattern
Storage index pattern
Direct object upload pattern
7. Patterns for Databases
Database replication pattern
Read replica pattern
In-memory cache pattern
Sharding write pattern
8. Patterns for Data Processing
Queuing chain pattern
Priority queue pattern
Job observer pattern
9. Patterns for Operation and Maintenance
Bootstrap pattern
Cloud dependency injection pattern
Stack deployment pattern
Monitoring integration pattern
Web storage archive pattern
Weighted transition pattern
Hybrid backup pattern
10. Patterns for Networking
OnDemand NAT pattern
Management network pattern
Functional firewall pattern
Operational firewall pattern
Web application firewall pattern
Multiple load balancer pattern
11. Throw-away Environments
Infrastructure as code
Temporary development environments
Continuous integration

Implementing Cloud Design Patterns for AWS

Copyright © 2015 Packt Publishing
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First published: April 2015
Production reference: 1240415
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78217-734-0


Marcus Young
João Ferreira Loff
Robert M. Marks
Somanath Nanda
Philip O'Toole
Fred Stluka
Commissioning Editor
Dipika Gaonkar
Acquisition Editor
Nikhil Karkal
Content Development Editor
Merwyn D'souza
Technical Editor
Mitali Somaiya
Copy Editors
Trishya Hajare
Sonia Mathur
Alpha Singh
Project Coordinator
Neha Bhatnagar
Joanna McMahon
Paul Hindle
Mariammal Chettiyar
Abhinash Sahu
Production Coordinator
Aparna Bhagat
Cover Work
Aparna Bhagat

About the Author

Marcus Young recently graduated with a degree in computer science and mathematics before getting involved in system administration and DevOps. He currently works in software automation using open source tools and technologies. His hobbies include playing ice hockey and brewing homebrew beer. He also enjoys hardware projects based on microcontrollers and single board computers.

About the Reviewers

João Ferreira Loff has an MSc in Computer Science and Engineering with a major in software engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico (, University of Lisboa, Portugal. His interest in Cloud computing emerged from his master's thesis, where he researched predictive elasticity for Cloud applications.
He currently collaborates with the Distributed Systems Group at INESC-ID Lisboa (, a nonprofit computer science and electronics research institute, where he researches the latest developments in Cloud computing provisioning, elasticity, and scalability.
As a part of his research he developed Vadara, a generic Cloud computing elasticity framework that allows for the development of elasticity strategies that are decoupled from Cloud providers ( The foundation of this framework has been the subject of a published work at a top tier Cloud computing conference.
You can read more about him at
Robert M. Marks is an experienced software developer and has spent over 12 years of his career working for a variety of software companies, ranging from large companies, such as IBM, to small start-ups. He is passionate about crafting well-tested software using best practices such as TDD, layered design, dependency injection, and so on. He has contributed to various open source projects and was the creator of JOGRE (Java Online Gaming Real-time Engine).
He is currently the head of engineering at Adoreboard, a unique platform that measures how the world feels about your brand so that ma...
