Nmap Essentials
eBook - ePub

Nmap Essentials

David Shaw

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  2. English
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eBook - ePub

Nmap Essentials

David Shaw

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Nmap Essentials

Table of Contents

Nmap Essentials
About the Author
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1. Introduction to Nmap
Nmap's humble beginnings
The many uses of Nmap
Installing Nmap
Building Nmap from source
2. Network Fundamentals
The structure of the Internet
The OSI model
Port scanning
Service banners
3. Nmap Basics
How to choose a target
Running a default scan
Service version scans
Logging scans
Specified scan ranges
Understanding the reason flag
4. Advanced Nmap Scans
Host detection methods
Running a ping agnostic scan
Scanning UDP services
Special TCP scans
Operating system detection
Increasing verbosity in scans
Packet tracing
5. Performance Optimization
Nmap timing optimization
Customized host group sizes
Increasing and decreasing parallelism
Dealing with stuck hosts
Delaying and increasing probe rates
6. Introduction to the Nmap Scripting Engine
The history of the NSE
The inner working of the NSE
Finding Nmap scripts
Running Nmap scripts
7. Writing Nmap Scripts
Anatomy of an Nmap script
Defining an Nmap script – script headers
Triggering functions – the rule
Defining a script's action
8. Additional Nmap Tools
Attacking services with Ncrack
Host detection with Nping
File transfers and backdoors with Ncat
Comparing Nmap results with Ndiff
9. Vulnerability Assessments and Tools
Conducting vulnerability scans with Nessus
Assessing web server issues with Nikto
Identifying sensitive web directories with DirBuster
Getting started with intercepting proxies
10. Penetration Testing with Metasploit
Installing Metasploit
Scanning with Metasploit
Attacking services with Metasploit
What to learn next

Nmap Essentials

Copyright © 2015 Packt Publishing
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First published: May 2015
Production reference: 1220515
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78355-406-5


David Shaw
Rajdeep Bhattacharya
Nikhil Kumar
Aravinda Babu T
Ravi Chandra Vinjanampati
Commissioning Editor
Amarabha Banerjee
Acquisition Editor
Shaon Basu
Content Development Editor
Siddhesh Salvi
Technical Editor
Madhunikita Sunil Chindarkar
Copy Editor
Trishya Hajare
Project Coordinator
Nidhi Joshi
Stephen Copestake
Safis Editing
Hemangini Bari
Production Coordinator
Nitesh Thakur
Cover Work
Nitesh Thakur

About the Author

David Shaw has extensive experience in many areas of information security. He began working in the trenches of perimeter analysis and conducting external threat research for large financial institutions. After switching to offensive security, he joined Redspin to conduct application security assessments and network penetration tests.
David is currently the Chief Technology Officer and Vice President of Professional Services at Redspin, specializing in external and application security, and managing a team of highly skilled engineers. He has particular interests in complex threat modeling and unconventional attack vectors, and has been a speaker at THOTCON, NolaCon, ToorCon, LayerOne, DEF CON, BSides Las Vegas, BSides Los Angeles, and BSides Seattle.

About the Reviewers

Rajdeep Bhattacharya is a Principal Server Engineer at Nimbuzz Technologies, located in Gurgaon, India. He has been working on the security and scalability of different products for Nimbuzz. Currently, he is working on the behavior-driven development approach and the performance optimization of various caching layers. In his spare time, he enjoys listening to music, travelling, cooking, and playing table tennis.
Nikhil Kumar is an Information Security Analyst at Biz2Credit Inc. He is a Certified Ethical Hacker, and has a bachelor's and master's degree in computer science. He has written many articles on web application security, security coding practices, web application firewalls, and so on.
He has discovered multiple vulnerabilities in big hotshot applications, including Apple, Microsoft, and so on.
He is currently pursuing the OSCP certification.
Nikhil can be contacted on LinkedIn at https://in.linkedin.com/in/nikhil73.
Aravinda Babu T is a senior staff member at Fornetix. In this role, he focuses on architecture and the development of encryption key orchestration technologies. He previously worked as an advisory software engineer in IBM Software Labs for the power servers division, and as an open source contributor in ONF for the wireless and mobility group. He has 14 years of experience in network security, datacom, and mobile technologies. He has also worked at Nokia, Motorola, and IBM previously. His experience includes mobile middleware, wireless LAN switches, UTM appliances, and HPC servers.
Ravi Chandra Vinjanampati has been working in the infosec domain for the past 7 years. He holds a GCIH certification, has worked with global finance giants in the past, and is currently working with an engineering company.


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