ggplot2 Essentials
eBook - ePub

ggplot2 Essentials

Donato Teutonico

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  2. English
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eBook - ePub

ggplot2 Essentials

Donato Teutonico

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ggplot2 Essentials

Table of Contents

ggplot2 Essentials
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1. Graphics in R
Getting ggplot2 up and running
Packages in R
The Integrated Development Environment
Eclipse and StatET
Emacs and ESS
The plotting environments in R
Standard graphics and grid-based graphics
Graphics and standard plots
Scatterplots with individual data points
Scatterplots with the line of one tree
Scatterplots with the line and points of one tree
Boxplots of the orange dataset
Boxplots with individual observations
Histograms of the orange dataset
Histograms with the reference line at the median value in red
Lattice and Trellis plots
Scatterplots with individual observations
Scatterplots of the orange dataset with faceting
Faceting scatterplots with line and points
Scatterplots with grouping data
Boxplots of the orange dataset
Histograms of the orange dataset
Histograms with the reference line at the median value in red
ggplot2 and the grammar of graphics
Further reading
2. Getting Started
General aspects
Introduction to aesthetic attributes
Introduction to faceting
Histograms and density plots
Bar charts
Time series
Bubble charts and dot plots
Further reading
3. The Layers and Grammar of Graphics
Components of layered grammar
Creating a plot layer by layer with the ggplot function
The coordinate system
Grid faceting
Wrap faceting
Layers in ggplot2
Aesthetic mapping
Position adjustment
Position adjustment of categorical data
Position adjustment of continuous data
Equivalent coding between qplot and ggplot
Histograms and density plots
Bar charts
Further reading
4. Advanced Plotting Techniques
Adding statistics
Smooth lines
Linear regression
Statistics with faceting
Advanced aesthetic mapping
Typical aesthetic mappings available in ggplot2
Mapping the aesthetic to new stat variables
Difference in mapping continuous and categorical variables
Adding text and reference lines to plots
Add text and reference lines with facets
Plots with polar coordinates
A pie chart
A bullseye chart
A coxcomb diagram
Further reading
5. Controlling Plot Details
Exploring scales
The plot title and axis labels
Axis scales
The discrete axis
The continuous axis
Axis transformations
The legend title
Legend keys and key labels
Themes for the legend
Themes for the axis and title
Themes for the plot background
Themes with facets
Further reading
6. Plot Output
Multiple plots in one page
Arranging plots in rows and columns
Specifying the plot position
Saving plots to a file
Saving the plot manually
Saving the plot to a file without rendering it
Saving a single plot
Saving multiple plots on the same PDF file
Saving the plot after rendering it
Further reading
7. Special Applications of ggplot2
Plotting maps with ggplot2 and ggmap
Mapping representations with ggplot2 and maps
Representing maps with ggmap
Scatterplot matrix with GGally
Plotting heatmaps with ggplot2
Further reading

ggplot2 Essentials

Copyright © 2015 Packt Publishing
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First published: June 2015
Production reference: 1220615
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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Birmingham B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78528-352-9


Donato Teutonico
Juanjo Abellan
Niels W. Hanson
Sefa Kilic
Commissioning Editor
Julian Ursell
Acquisition Editors
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Owen Roberts
Content Development Editor
Samantha Gonsalves
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Siddhesh Patil
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Kinjal Bari
Safis Editing
Monica Mehta
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Arvindkumar Gupta
Cover Work
Arvindkumar Gupta

About the Author

Donato Teutonico has received his PharmD degree from the University of Turin, Italy, where he specialized in chemical and pharmaceutical technology, and his PhD in pharmaceutical sciences from Paris-South University, France. He has several years of experience in the modeling and simulation of drug effects and clinical trials in industrial and academic settings. Donato has contributed to numerous scientific projects and publications in internation...
