Learning SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards
eBook - ePub

Learning SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards

Taha M. Mahmoud

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  1. 330 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Learning SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards

Taha M. Mahmoud

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Über dieses Buch

About This Book

  • Explore the new features and capabilities of PowerShell 5 and its integration with Exchange Server 2013
  • Learn how to write scripts and functions, schedule scripts to run automatically, and generate complex reports with PowerShell
  • Manage and automate every element of Exchange Server 2013 with PowerShell such as Mailboxes, distribution groups, and Address lists

Who This Book Is For

This book is for messaging professionals who want to build real-world scripts with Windows PowerShell 5 and the Exchange Management Shell. If you are a network or systems administrator responsible for managing and maintaining Exchange Server 2013, you will find this highly useful.

What You Will Learn

  • New features and capabilities of PowerShell 5 and Exchange Server 2013 SP1
  • Get to grips with the core PowerShell concepts required to master the Exchange Management Shell, such as pipelining, working with objects, formatting output, and writing scripts
  • Use simple PowerShell scripts and commands to get powerful effects
  • Generate detailed reports, send the output of commands in e-mail messages, and schedule scripts to run automatically
  • Import, export, move mailboxes, and delete messages from mailboxes using the command line
  • Configure transport server settings such as mail relay, tracking logs, transport rules, delivery reports, and more
  • Manage mailbox and public folder databases

In Detail

Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 is a complex messaging system. Windows PowerShell 5 can be used in conjunction with Exchange Server 2013 to automate and manage routine and complex tasks to save time and money and eliminate errors.

Starting by going through key PowerShell concepts and the Exchange Management Shell, this book will get you automating tasks that used to take hours in no time. Diving deeper, you will then manage your mailbox database, client access, and your transport servers with simple but effective scripts.

This book finishes with advanced recipes on Exchange Server problems, such as managing distribution groups and maintaining high availability and security.

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Learning SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards

Table of Contents

Learning SAP BusinessObjects Dashboards
About the Author
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Why do we need dashboards?
What is a dashboard?
Traffic light colors
Key performance indicators (KPIs)
How to define your KPIs
Visual elements used to present KPIs (charts)
Key Risk Indicator (KRI)
What this book covers
What you need for this book
Who this book is for
Reader feedback
Customer support
Downloading the example code
Downloading the color images of this book
1. Getting Started with SAP BO Dashboards
Introduction to SAP BO Dashboards
SAP BusinessObjects BI platform 4.x
SAP BO Dashboards
SAP BO Dashboards design history
Installing SAP BO Dashboards
The dashboards prerequisites
Downloading SAP BO Dashboards
Installing SAP BO Dashboards
Exploring SAP BO Dashboards' capabilities
Accessing and using dashboard samples
Accordion menu dashboard sample
Chart Drill Down dashboard sample
Accessing and using dashboard templates
US Sales Map
Getting to know the SAP BO Dashboards interface
Understanding SAP BO Dashboards panels
The Properties panel
The Components panel
The Object Browser panel
The Query Browser panel
Mobile compatibility
Understanding SAP BO Dashboards toolbars
The Standard toolbar
The Themes toolbar
The Export toolbar
The Format toolbar
The Start Page toolbar
Understanding SAP BO Dashboards quick views
2. Understanding the Dashboard Creation Process
Phases in the project
The initiation phase
The planning phase
The execution/implementation phase
The control/testing phase
The closing phase
Determining the needs
Gathering business requirements
The sales by state analysis
The sales trend analysis
The sales and quantity per product analysis
Determining the target audience and devices
Sketching our dashboard
Building the prototype
Dashboard creation process
Preparing the dashboard workspace
3. UI Components
Before we start
The Document tab
The Grid tab
The Excel options
Document properties
Adding our first chart component (pie chart)
Linking the chart with data
Configuring the main chart properties
Introducing other chart types
Line, column, bar, and column line charts
Bubble, scatter charts, and tree maps
OHLC and candlestick charts
Bullet charts
Radar charts
Adding a single-value component to our dashboard
Gauge and dial
Progress bar and sliders
Value and spinner
4. Using Maps and Other Components
Using maps
Adding built-in map dashboard components
Installing, configuring, and using the CMap plugin
Using other SAP BO Dashboard components
Using a calendar dashboard component
Using the trend icon
Using a trend analyzer
Using the print, reset, and local scenario buttons
Using the history and source data dashboard components
Using other third-party plugins
Using a dash printer
Using Micro charts
5. Interactive Analysis with Dashboards
Using traditional selectors
Using radio buttons
Insert On
Insertion types
Selected item
Using comboboxes and list boxes
Using checkboxes
List builder
Displaying tabular data
List view
The hierarchical table
The spreadsheet table
Using advanced menus
Label-based menu
Sliding picture fisheye menus
Accordion Menu
Using other selectors
Using the icon
Using Filter
Using push and toggle buttons
Using third-party selectors
6. Advanced Interactive Analysis with Dashboards
Using the dynamic visibility feature
Grouping components
Using Containers
Using Panel Container
Using Canvas Container
Using a Tab Set
Using Alerts
Using Alerts with Charts
Using Alerts with the single-value compo...
