Mastering Citrix® XenDesktop®
eBook - ePub

Mastering Citrix® XenDesktop®

Govardhan Gunnala, Daniele Tosatto

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  1. 484 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
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eBook - ePub

Mastering Citrix® XenDesktop®

Govardhan Gunnala, Daniele Tosatto

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Über dieses Buch

About This Book

  • Design, deploy, configure, optimize, troubleshoot, and maintain XenDesktop for enterprise environments and to meet emerging high-end business requirements
  • Configure Citrix XenDesktop to deliver a rich virtual desktop experience to end users
  • A comprehensive, practical guide to monitoring a XenDesktop environment and automating XenDesktop tasks using PowerShell

Who This Book Is For

This book is intended for IT administrators who want to use Citrix® as a desktop virtualization solution or for IT architects who want to learn how to design and implement highly available and scalable XenDesktop® environments. It is assumed that you have intermediate-level knowledge of virtualization concepts, Windows desktop operating systems, and Windows Server technologies.

Citrix®, Citrix Systems®, XenApp®, XenDesktop®, and CloudPortal™ are trademarks of Citrix® Systems®, Inc. and/or one or more of its subsidiaries, and may be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries.

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Mastering Citrix® XenDesktop®

Table of Contents

Mastering Citrix® XenDesktop®
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1. Evolution and Core Strengths of XenDesktop®
The evolution of XenDesktop®
Citrix® and its vision
Citrix®'s relationship with Microsoft
Citrix® XenDesktop® virtualization solutions
The XenDesktop® and Project Avalon roadmap
XenDesktop® releases and improvements
Citrix® Desktop Server 1.0
XenDesktop® 2.0
XenDesktop® 2.1
XenDesktop® 3.0
XenDesktop® 3.0 Feature Pack 1
XenDesktop® 4.0
XenDesktop® 4.0 Feature Pack 1
XenDesktop® 4.0 Feature Pack 2
XenDesktop® 5.0
XenDesktop® 5.5
XenDesktop® 5.6
XenDesktop® 5.6 Feature Pack 1
XenDesktop® 7.0
XenDesktop® 7.1
XenDesktop® 7.5
XenDesktop® 7.6
XenDesktop® 7.6 Feature Pack 1
Core strengths of XenDesktop®
Citrix® Receiver for any device, anytime, anywhere
HDX user experience technology
Intelligent redirection
Adaptive compression
De-duplication of network traffic
FlexCast® delivery technology
Hosted shared
Hosted VDI
Static persistent
Remote PC
Streamed VHD
Local VM
On-demand apps
Open architecture - Cloud-ready FMA
On-demand applications by XenApp®
Automated application migration with AppDNA®
High security and compliance standards
2. Understanding the XenDesktop® Architecture in Detail
Key features of the XenDesktop® architecture for businesses
The evolution of XenDesktop® architecture
XenDesktop® 2.0 and Independent Management Architecture (IMA)
XenDesktop® 5.0 and FlexCast® Management Architecture
XenDesktop® 7.0 with FMA - the unified architecture for XenDesktop® 7 and XenApp®
The basics of FMA - the XenDesktop® architecture
Concepts and terminologies
The components of FMA
Core components
Additional components
The features of FMA
Terminology change from the IMA to the latest FMA
Advanced FMA - the XenDesktop® architecture in detail
The five layers of FMA
Working of FMA components to deliver virtual desktops
Phase 1 - User authentication and resources enumeration
Phase 2 - Virtual Desktop allocation and connection establishment
Designing FMA for your XenDesktop® deployment
Project Accelerator
The assess phase
The design phase
Results along with an example
3. Designing XenDesktop® for Complex Environments
Desktop environments
The essential elements of a desktop environment
Business expectations of a desktop environment
XenDesktop® – Transforming desktop environments
Additional technologies
Process of designing XenDesktop® deployments
Decisions to be made at each layer
User layer
Access layer
Desktop/resource layer
Control layer
Hardware layer
Tools for designing XenDesktop®
Project Accelerator
Virtual Desktop Handbook
XenDesktop® Reviewer's Guide
XenDesktop® deployment architectures for complex environments
XenDesktop® architecture designed for high availability
In-depth analysis of the HA architecture at each layer of FMA
User layer
Access layer
Desktop/resource layer
Control layer
Hardware layer
Best practices of HA
Design considerations for a scalable deployment
XenDesktop® scalability
Delivery controllers
Provisioning technologies—MCS and PVS
Open architecture and Cloud support
Windows operating system and applications optimization
Site capacity and multi-site deployments
Hardware scalability
Single server scalability
Scalability with hardware assisted server technologies
Storage considerations
App Orchestration – multi forest Active Directory Environment
Active Directory requirements
DNS requirements
VDA requirements
SSL requirements
XenDesktop® and Cloud computing integration
Cloud computing for desktop virtualization
XenDesktop® Cloud support
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Computing (EC2)
AWS limitations for XenDesktop® deployment
Private Cloud
The deployment architecture
Public Cloud (using Amazon AWS)
The deployment architecture
Deployment functional overview
Detailed deployment procedure
Hybrid Cloud (using Amazon AWS)
The deployment architecture
Deployment functional overview
Detailed deployment procedure
4. Implementing a XenDesktop® Environment
Installing of XenDesktop®'s main components
Installing Citrix® Licensing
Understanding the site database
Installing the Delivery Controller
Creating the XenDesktop® site
Installing Citrix® Director
Installing Citrix® StoreFront
Creating a Citrix® StoreFront store
5. Delivering Virtual Desktops and Optimizing XenDesktop®
Configuring XenDesktop® components for high availability
Installing an additional Delivery Controller
Installing an additional Citrix® StoreFront
Making configuration changes in StoreFront
Installing Virtual Desktop Agent
Creating and configuring machine catalogs and delivery groups
Optimizing XenDesktop® Virtual Desktop Agent for performance
Managing Citrix® policies
6. Configuring XenDesktop® for Advanced Use Cases
Advanced use cases of XenDesktop®
Implementing advanced business use cases with XenDesktop®
Fine-tuning and customizing XenDesktop® for advanced use cases
Configuring XenDesktop® for advanced business use cases
High-end 3D business applications using GPU technology
Traditional setup for high-end 3D business applications using physical desktops
XenDesktop® provisioning GPU enabled virtual desktops
NVidia GRID – graphics accelerated virtualization
XenDesktop® 3D solution architectures using NVidia GRID technology
Implementing XenDesktop® 3D solutions using NVidia GRID technology
Steps to implement the GPU sharing environment using Citrix® XenDesktop®, XenServer®, and NVidia GRID
Unified Communications Solutions (UCS) - audio and video conferencing applications
Challenges with UCS - audio and video conferencing a...
