Swift 3 Game Development - Second Edition
eBook - ePub

Swift 3 Game Development - Second Edition

Stephen Haney

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  1. 258 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Swift 3 Game Development - Second Edition

Stephen Haney

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Über dieses Buch

Embrace the mobile gaming revolution by creating popular iOS games with Swift 3.0About This Book• Create and design games for iPhone and iPad using SpriteKit and Swift 3.0• Learn the core fundamentals of SpriteKit game development and mix and match techniques to customize your game• This step-by-step practical guide will teach you to build games from scratch using little-known tips and strategies for maximum funWho This Book Is ForIf you wish to create and publish fun iOS games using Swift, then this book is for you. You should be familiar with basic programming concepts. However, no prior game development or Apple ecosystem experience is required.What You Will Learn• Deliver powerful graphics, physics, and sound in your game by using SpriteKit• Set up the scene using the new capabilities of the scene editor and custom classes• Maximize gameplay with little-known tips and strategies for fun and repeatable action• Make use of animations, graphics, and particles to polish your game• Understand the current mobile monetization landscape to choose the best option for your own situation• Integrate your game with Game Center so that your players can share their high scores and achievements• Publish your game to the App Store and enjoy people playing your gamesIn DetailSwift is the perfect choice for game development. Developers are intrigued by Swift 3.0 and want to make use of new features to develop their best games yet. Packed with best practices and easy-to-use examples, this book leads you step by step through the development of your first Swift game.This book starts by introducing SpriteKit and Swift's new features that can be used for game development. After setting up your first Swift project, you will build your first custom class, learn how to draw and animate your game, and add physics simulations.Then, you will add the player character, NPCs, and powerups. To make your game more fun and engaging, you will learn how to set up scenes and backgrounds, build fun menus, and integrate with Apple Game Center to add leaderboards and achievements. You will then make your game stand out by adding animations when game objects collide, and incorporate proven techniques such as the advanced particle system and graphics. Finally, you will explore the various options available to start down the path towards monetization and publish your finished games to the App Store.By the end of this book, you will be able to create your own iOS games using Swift and SpriteKit.Style and approachThis project-based guide is engaging with a visually-rich approach rather than a text-heavy approach. With every chapter containing practical examples, you will understand how Swift programming works and make the most of the new features in version 3.0.

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