OpenVPN Cookbook - Second Edition
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OpenVPN Cookbook - Second Edition

Jan Just Keijser

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eBook - ePub

OpenVPN Cookbook - Second Edition

Jan Just Keijser

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Über dieses Buch

Discover over 90 practical and exciting recipes that leverage the power of OpenVPN 2.4 to help you obtain a reliable and secure VPNAbout This Book• Master the skills of configuring, managing, and securing your VPN using the latest OpenVPN• Gain expertise in establishing IPv6 connections and understand PolarSSL using the latest version of OpenVPN• This book contains enticing recipes about OpenVPN functionalities that cater to mission critical applicationsWho This Book Is ForThis book is for system administrators who have a basic knowledge of OpenVPN and are eagerly waiting to build, secure, and manage VPNs using the latest version. This book assumes some prior knowledge of TCP/IP networking and OpenVPN and you must have network administration skills to get the most out of this book.What You Will Learn• Determine the best type of OpenVPN setup for your networking needs• Get to grips with the encryption, authentication, and certifications features of OpenSSL.• Integrate an OpenVPN server into the local IT infrastructure with the scripting features of OpenVPN• Ease the integration of Windows clients into the VPN using Windows-specific client-side configuration• Understand the authentication plugins for PAM and LDAP• Get to know the difference between TUN-style and TAP-style networks and when to use what• Troubleshoot your VPN setup• Establish a connection via IPv6 along with demonstrationsIn DetailOpenVPN provides an extensible VPN framework that has been designed to ease site-specific customization, such as providing the capability to distribute a customized installation package to clients, and supporting alternative authentication methods via OpenVPN's plugin module interface.This book provides you with many different recipes to help you set up, monitor, and troubleshoot an OpenVPN network. You will learn to configure a scalable, load-balanced VPN server farm that can handle thousands of dynamic connections from incoming VPN clients. You will also get to grips with the encryption, authentication, security, extensibility, and certifications features of OpenSSL.You will also get an understanding of IPv6 support and will get a demonstration of how to establish a connection via IPv64. This book will explore all the advanced features of OpenVPN and even some undocumented options, covering all the common network setups such as point-to-point networks and multi-client TUN-style and TAP-style networks. Finally, you will learn to manage, secure, and troubleshoot your virtual private networks using OpenVPN 2.4.Style and approachThis practical, recipe-based book covers the core functionalities of OpenVPN ending with troubleshooting, performance tuning and making the readers inquisitive about the advanced features.

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OpenVPN Cookbook - Second Edition

OpenVPN Cookbook - Second Edition

Copyright © 2017 Packt Publishing
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.
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Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.
First published: February 2011
Second edition: February 2017
Production reference: 1100217
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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B3 2PB, UK.
ISBN 978-1-78646-312-8


Jan Just Keijser
Copy Editor
Pranjali Chury
Ralf Hildebrandt
Project Coordinator
Izzat Contractor
Commissioning Editor
Pratik Shah
Safis Editing
Acquisition Editor
Rahul Nair
Tejal Soni
Content Development Editor
Zeeyan Pinheiro
Production Coordinator
Melwyn D'sa
Technical Editor
Vivek Pala

About the Author

Jan Just Keijser is an open source professional from Utrecht, the Netherlands. He has a wide range of experience in IT, ranging from providing user support, system administration, and systems programming to network programming. He has worked for various IT companies since 1989. He was an active USENET contributor in the early 1990s and has been working mainly on Unix/Linux platforms since 1995.
Currently, he is employed as a senior scientific programmer in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, at Nikhef, the institute for subatomic physics from the Dutch Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter (FOM). He works on multi-core and many-core computing systems and grid computing as well as smartcard applications. His open source interests include all types of virtual private networking, including IPSec, PPTP, and, of course, OpenVPN. In 2004, he discovered OpenVPN and has been using it ever since.
His first book was OpenVPN 2 Cookbook by Packt Publishing in 2011, followed by Mastering OpenVPN, also by Packt Publishing, in 2015.

About the Reviewer

Ralf Hildebrandt is an active and well-known figure in the Postfix community. He’s currently employed at Charite, Europe’s largest university hospital. OpenVPN has successfully been used at Charite for over 10 years now on a multitude of client operating systems.
Together with Patrick Koetter, he has written the Book of Postfix.

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OpenVPN is one of the world's most popular packages for setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN). OpenVPN provides an extensible VPN framework that has been designed to ease site-specific customization, such as providing the capability to distribute a customized installation package to clients or supporting alternative authentication methods via OpenVPN's plugin module interface. It is widely used by many individuals and companies, and some service providers even offer OpenVPN access as a service to users in remote, unsecured environments.
This book provides you with many different recipes for setting up, monitoring, and troubleshooting an OpenVPN network. The author's experience in troubleshooting OpenVPN and networking configurations enables him to share his insights and solutions to help you get the most out of your OpenVPN setup.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Point-to-Point Networks...
