Mastering Modern Web Penetration Testing
eBook - ePub

Mastering Modern Web Penetration Testing

Prakhar Prasad

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  1. 298 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Mastering Modern Web Penetration Testing

Prakhar Prasad

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Über dieses Buch

Master the art of conducting modern pen testing attacks and techniques on your web application before the hacker does!

About This Book

  • This book covers the latest technologies such as Advance XSS, XSRF, SQL Injection, Web API testing, XML attack vectors, OAuth 2.0 Security, and more involved in today's web applications
  • Penetrate and secure your web application using various techniques
  • Get this comprehensive reference guide that provides advanced tricks and tools of the trade for seasoned penetration testers

Who This Book Is For

This book is for security professionals and penetration testers who want to speed up their modern web application penetrating testing. It will also benefit those at an intermediate level and web developers who need to be aware of the latest application hacking techniques.

What You Will Learn

  • Get to know the new and less-publicized techniques such PHP Object Injection and XML-based vectors
  • Work with different security tools to automate most of the redundant tasks
  • See different kinds of newly-designed security headers and how they help to provide security
  • Exploit and detect different kinds of XSS vulnerabilities
  • Protect your web application using filtering mechanisms
  • Understand old school and classic web hacking in depth using SQL Injection, XSS, and CSRF
  • Grasp XML-related vulnerabilities and attack vectors such as XXE and DoS techniques
  • Get to know how to test REST APIs to discover security issues in them

In Detail

Web penetration testing is a growing, fast-moving, and absolutely critical field in information security. This book executes modern web application attacks and utilises cutting-edge hacking techniques with an enhanced knowledge of web application security.

We will cover web hacking techniques so you can explore the attack vectors during penetration tests. The book encompasses the latest technologies such as OAuth 2.0, Web API testing methodologies and XML vectors used by hackers. Some lesser discussed attack vectors such as RPO (relative path overwrite), DOM clobbering, PHP Object Injection and etc. has been covered in this book.

We'll explain various old school techniques in depth such as XSS, CSRF, SQL Injection through the ever-dependable SQLMap and reconnaissance.

Websites nowadays provide APIs to allow integration with third party applications, thereby exposing a lot of attack surface, we cover testing of these APIs using real-life examples.

This pragmatic guide will be a great benefit and will help you prepare fully secure applications.

Style and approach

This master-level guide covers various techniques serially. It is power-packed with real-world examples that focus more on the practical aspects of implementing the techniques rather going into detailed theory.

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Mastering Modern Web Penetration Testing

Table of Contents

Mastering Modern Web Penetration Testing
About the Author
About the Reviewer
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What this book covers
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Downloading the example code
1. Common Security Protocols
Demonstration of the same-origin policy in Google Chrome
Switching origins
Quirks with Internet Explorer
Cross-domain messaging
AJAX and the same-origin policy
CORS headers
Pre-flight request
Simple request
URL encoding – percent encoding
Unrestricted characters
Restricted characters
Encoding table
Encoding unrestricted characters
Double encoding
Introducing double encoding
IIS 5.0 directory traversal code execution – CVE-2001-0333
Using double encoding to evade XSS filters
Base64 encoding
Character set of Base64 encoding
The encoding process
Padding in Base64
2. Information Gathering
Information gathering techniques
Active techniques
Passive techniques
Enumerating Domains, Files, and Resources
Wolfram Alpha
Reverse IP Lookup – YouGetSignal
Google Advanced Search
3. Cross-Site Scripting
Reflected XSS
Demonstrating reflected XSS vulnerability
Reflected XSS – case study 1
Reflected XSS – case study 2
Stored XSS
Demonstrating stored XSS
Stored XSS through Markdown
Stored XSS through APIs
Stored XSS through spoofed IP addresses
Flash-based XSS –
HttpOnly and secure cookie flags
DOM-based XSS
XSS exploitation – The BeEF
Setting Up BeEF
Demonstration of the BeEF hook and its components
4. Cross-Site Request Forgery
Introducing CSRF
Exploiting POST-request based CSRF
How developers prevent CSRF?
PayPal's CSRF vulnerability to change phone numbers
Exploiting CSRF in JSON requests
Using XSS to steal anti-CSRF tokens
Exploring pseudo anti-CSRF tokens
Flash comes to the rescue
Rosetta Flash
Defeating XMLHTTPRequest-based CSRF protection
5. Exploiting SQL Injection
Installation of SQLMap under Kali Linux
Introduction to SQLMap
Injection techniques
Dumping the data – in an error-based scenario
Interacting with the wizard
Dump everything!
SQLMap and URL rewriting
Speeding up the process!
NULL connection
HTTP persistent connections
Output prediction
Basic optimization flags
Dumping the data – in blind and time-based scenarios
Reading and writing files
Checking privileges
Reading files
Writing files
Handling injections in a POST request
SQL injection inside a login-based portal
SQL shell
Command shell
Evasion – tamper scripts
Configuring with proxies
6. File Upload Vulnerabilities
Introducing file upload vulnerability
Remote code execution
Multi-functional web shells
Netcat accessible reverse shell
The return of XSS
SWF – the flash
SVG images
Denial of Service
Malicious JPEG file – pixel flood
Malicious GIF file – frame flood
Malicious zTXT field of PNG files
Bypassing upload protections
Case-sensitive blacklist extension check bypass
MIME content type verification bypass
Apache's htaccess trick to execute benign files as PHP
SetHandler method
The AddType method
Bypassing image content verification
7. Metasploit and Web
Discovering Metasploit modules
Interacting with Msfconsole
Using Auxiliary Modules related to Web Applications
Understanding WMAP – Metasploit's Web Application Security Scanner
Generating Web backdoor payload with Metasploit
8. XML Attacks
XML 101 – the basics
XML elements
XML Attributes
XML DTD and entities
Internal DTD
External DTD
Entity declaration
XXE attack
Reading files
PHP Base64 conversion URI as an alternative
SSRF through XXE
Remote code execution
Denial of Service through XXE
XML quadratic blowup
XML billion laughs
The quadratic blowup
WordPress 3.9 quadratic blowup vulnerability – Case Study
9. Emerging Attack Vectors
Server Side Request Forgery
