Mobile Application Development: JavaScript Frameworks
eBook - ePub

Mobile Application Development: JavaScript Frameworks

Hazem Saleh, Ethan Holmes, Tom Bray, Sani Yusuf

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  1. 599 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Mobile Application Development: JavaScript Frameworks

Hazem Saleh, Ethan Holmes, Tom Bray, Sani Yusuf

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Über dieses Buch

Enhance your JavaScript skills by venturing into the domain of developing mobile applications

About This Book

  • Extend your JavaScript skillset to build, test, and launch mobile apps with confidence
  • Follow three sample projects to experience Ionic's impressive capabilities
  • Extend the power of Apache Cordova by creating your own Apache Cordova cross-platform mobile plugins

Who This Book Is For

This Learning Path is for JavaScript web developers looking to develop mobile applications using various JavaScript descendent technologies. It is for anyone who wants to learn how to build fast and stylish native mobile app using the skills they already have. If you are already using React on the web, we're confident you'll be able to quickly get up and running with React Native for iOS and Android. See Ionic in action, and find out how it can transform the way you build mobile apps.

What You Will Learn

  • Develop, build, run, and deploy great cross-platform mobile applications using Apache Cordova
  • Create complete mobile apps using Apache Cordova that runs on Apple iOS, Google Android, and Windows Phone
  • Create a neat user interface for your mobile application using jQuery Mobile
  • Gain an in-depth understanding of how React Native works behind the scenes
  • Write your own custom native UI components
  • Develop native modules in Objective-C and Java that interact with JavaScript
  • Get to know Ionic by creating three complete mobile applications

In Detail

A great mobile app is rapidly becoming crucial for a huge range of businesses. With a great app, your customers or your readers don't come to you – you go with them, just a few clicks and swipes away. This Learning Path shows you how to build awesome mobile apps with some of the best tools currently being used by some of the smartest developers in the industry. Taking you through JavaScript impressive development ecosystem – from jQuery Mobile to React, through to Ionic – we'll show you how to put your skills into practice so you can build your next mobile apps with confidence and style. In this Learning Path, from jQuery to React, to Ionic, we'll cover everything you need to start

In the first module you'll learn how to get stuck into Apache Cordova and find out how to use it as the key platform for developing your mobile app. It offers an efficient way to develop hybrid apps, which means you won't have to connect to platform specific APIs or use their UI framework, and can instead harness your JavaScript web development skills. Make sure you have your HTML, CSS and jQuery skills at the ready.

In Module 2 we'll show you how to take advantage of React Native. It has a reputation for having a steep learning curve, but we'll make it easy for you, making sure you make full use of your existing knowledge and getting you up and running with a sample application. You'll also learn how to create components, how to create multiple screens, as well as using native UI components and accessing native APIs.

In the third and final module you'll get started with Ionic. With three practical projects you can build yourself, we've made sure that you'll be learning by doing – which means you'll not only develop new skills much more quickly, but you'll have produced something tangible at the end of it!

This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:

  • JavaScript Mobile Application Development by Hazem Saleh
  • Getting Started with React Native by Ethan Holmes and Tom Bray
  • Ionic Framework By Example by Sani Yusuf

Style and approach

This Learning Path course provides a simple and easy way to build mobile applications in JavaScript descendent technologies such as jQuery, ReactJS, and Ionic.

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Mobile Application Development: JavaScript Frameworks

Table of Contents

Mobile Application Development: JavaScript Frameworks
Mobile Application Development: JavaScript Frameworks
What this learning path covers
What you need for this learning path
Who this learning path is for
Reader feedback
Customer support
Downloading the example code
1. Module 1
1. An Introduction to Apache Cordova
What is Apache Cordova?
The differences between mobile web, hybrid mobile, and native mobile applications
Why you should use Cordova
Cordova architecture
Overview of Cordova APIs
2. Developing Your First Cordova Application
An introduction to Cordova CLI
Installing Apache Cordova
Generating our Sound Recorder's initial code
The Sound Recorder's initial structure
An insight into the www files
Developing Sound Recorder application
Sound Recorder functionality
Sound Recorder preparation
Sound Recorder details
Recording and playing the audio files back
Building and running Sound Recorder application
3. Apache Cordova Development Tools
Configuring Android development environment
Extending your existing Eclipse IDE
Creating an Android Virtual Device
Importing the Sound Recorder application in to Eclipse
Running the Sound Recorder application on a real Android device
Configuring iOS development environment
Importing the Sound Recorder application into Xcode
Running the Sound Recorder application on a real iOS device
Configuring the Windows Phone development environment
Importing the Sound Recorder application into Visual Studio
Running the Sound Recorder application on a real Windows Phone
4. Cordova API in Action
Exploring the Cordova Exhibition app
The Cordova Exhibition app structure
The HTML page
View controller
The HTML page
View controller
The HTML page
View controller
The HTML page
View controller
The HTML page
View controller
The HTML page
View controller
The HTML page
View controller
The HTML page
View controller
The HTML page
View controller
5. Diving Deeper into the Cordova API
Media, file, and capture
The HTML page
View controller
The HTML page
View controller
The HTML page
View controller
Finalizing the Cordova Exhibition app
Cordova events
6. Developing Custom Cordova Plugins
Developing a custom Cordova plugin
Using plugman
Plugin definition
Defining the plugin's JavaScript interface
Developing Android code
Developing iOS code
Developing Windows Phone 8 code
Publishing our plugin to Cordova Registry
Testing our Cordova plugin
7. Unit Testing the Cordova App's Logic
What is Jasmine
Configuring Jasmine
Writing your first Jasmine test
Jasmine Matchers
Jasmine in action – developing Cordova app tests
An overview of the weather application
Developing synchronous code tests
Developing asynchronous code tests
Manually executing tests
Automating tests using Karma
Installing Karma
Karma configuration
Running tests (on mobile devices)
Generating XML JUnit and code coverage reports
Integrating tests with the CI tools
8. Applying it All – the Mega App
Mega App specification/wireframes
Preparing for the Mega App
The Mega App architecture
The Mega App model and API
The Mega App user interface
Finalizing Mega App
Deploying and running Mega App
Start contributing to Mega App
2. Module 2
1. Exploring the Sample Application
Installing Xcode
Running the sample application
A sneak peek at the sample application
Experimenting with the sample application
2. Understanding React Native Fundamentals
The Virtual DOM
Creating your first component
Back to our first component
Props and states
Validating props
3. Beginning with the Example Application
Generating the projects
Xcode and the iOS simulator
The Android SDK and emulator
Modifying the React Native starter template
Structuring the application
Creating the SimpleButton component
The Navigator component
The NoteScreen – first pass
4. Working with Styles and Layout
React CSS
Style Sheet
Styling the SimpleButton component
Layout and Flexbox
Flex container
Flex items
Horizontal and vertical centering
Absolute positioning
Styling the NavigationBar component
Changing the Android Material Theme
Styling the NoteScreen
5. Displaying and Saving Data
Understanding props
Using state
Passing callbacks in props
Creating new notes
Using AsyncStorage
Deleting notes
6. Working with Geolocation and Maps
Introducing the Geolocation API
The location permission in iOS
Tagging notes with geolocation
7. Integrating Native Modules
Adding images to notes
Installing react-native-camera on iOS
Searching for Native Modules
Using the camera component
Viewing images
The image component
Deleting images
Connecting the final pieces
