React Design Patterns and Best Practices
eBook - ePub

React Design Patterns and Best Practices

Michele Bertoli

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  1. 318 Seiten
  2. English
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eBook - ePub

React Design Patterns and Best Practices

Michele Bertoli

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Über dieses Buch

Build modular applications that are easy to scale using the most powerful components and design patterns that React can offer you right nowAbout This Book• Dive into the core patterns and components of React.js in order to master your application's design• Improve their debugging skills using the DevTools• This book is packed with easy-to-follow examples that can be used to create reusable code and extensible designsWho This Book Is ForIf you want to increase your understanding of React and apply it to real-life application development, then this book is for you.What You Will Learn• Write clean and maintainable code• Create reusable components applying consolidated techniques• Use React effectively in the browser and node• Choose the right styling approach according to the needs of the applications• Use server-side rendering to make applications load faster• Build high-performing applications by optimizing componentsIn DetailTaking a complete journey through the most valuable design patterns in React, this book demonstrates how to apply design patterns and best practices in real-life situations, whether that's for new or already existing projects. It will help you to make your applications more flexible, perform better, and easier to maintain – giving your workflow a huge boost when it comes to speed without reducing quality. We'll begin by understanding the internals of React before gradually moving on to writing clean and maintainable code. We'll build components that are reusable across the application, structure applications, and create forms that actually work.Then we'll style React components and optimize them to make applications faster and more responsive. Finally, we'll write tests effectively and you'll learn how to contribute to React and its ecosystem.By the end of the book, you'll be saved from a lot of trial and error and developmental headaches, and you will be on the road to becoming a React expert.Style and approachThe design patterns in the book are explained using real-world, step-by-step examples. For each design pattern, there are hints about when to use it and when to look for something more suitable. This book can also be used as a practical guide, showing you how to leverage design patterns.

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React Design Patterns and Best Practices

React Design Patterns and Best Practices

Copyright © 2017 Packt Publishing
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First published: January 2017
Production reference: 1100117
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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ISBN 978-1-78646-453-8


Michele Bertoli
Copy Editor
Safis Editing
Clay Diffrient
Project Coordinator
Ulhas Kambali
Commissioning Editor
Ashwin Nair
Safis Editing
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Rekha Nair
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About the Author

Michele Bertoli is a frontend engineer with a passion for beautiful UIs. Born in Italy, he moved to London with his family to look for new and exciting job opportunities. He has a degree in computer science and loves clean and well-tested code. Currently, he is working with React.js, crafting modern JavaScript applications. He is a big fan of open source and is always trying to learn something new.
I would like to thank my wife and my son for making my days better with their smiles. Dante, I hope the time I spent writing the book instead of playing with you will make sense when you are older, and you will be proud of me. I would also like to thank Packt Publishing for giving me this opportunity.

About the Reviewer

Clay Diffrient is a JavaScript enthusiast who is always looking to improve and do more. He currently works mostly in React, but has proficiency with other frameworks and libraries, such as Angular, Backbone, and jQuery. He is a maintainer of the popular react-modal library. He takes joy in creating software that is accessible for all people.
Clay currently works as a software engineer at Instructure, where they make software that makes people smarter. He currently works on Instructure's flagship product, Canvas, an open source learning management system.
Clay has previously reviewed MEAN Web Development (ISBN: 9781783983285), and enjoys being involved with the community.
I wish to thank my wife Rachael and my two sons, Roger and Beau, for their unending support of my continual learning.

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Taking a complete journey through the most valuable design patterns in React, this book demonstrates how to apply design patterns and best practices in real-life situations, whether it’s for new or already existing projects. It will help you make your applications more flexible, perform better, and easier to maintain-giving your workflow a huge boost when it comes to speed, without reducing quality.
We’ll begin by understanding the internals of React before gradually moving on to writing clean and maintainable code. We’ll build components that are reusable across the application, structure applications, and create forms that actually work.
Then, we’ll style React components and optimize them to make applications faster and more responsive. Finally, we’ll write tests effectively, and you’ll learn how to contribute to React and its ecosystem.
By the end of the book, you’ll be saved from a lot of trial and error and developmental headaches, and you will be on the road to becoming a React expert.

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Everything You Should Know About React, introduces you to the base concepts of React, seen from an advanced perspective.
Chapter 2, Clean Up Your Code, teaches that one of the most important aspects of writing maintainable code is to keep it clean and follow a coding style guide. To use React, it is also important to know the basics of functional programming.
Chapter 3, Create Truly Reusable Components, informs that building an application using components is a key factor, but creating truly reusable components is the most important thing to do in order to keep the codebase clean and maintainable.
Chapter 4, Compose All the Things, says that real applications are created using different components and it's important to make them communicate effectively, organizing and structuring the hierarchy in the right way.
Chapter 5, Proper Data Fetching, instructs that any client-side application has to deal with data at some point; it takes you through the different techniques and approaches that can be used to fetch data in the React-way.
Chapter 6, Write Code for the Browser, states that our applications live in the browser and we should know how to use it properly. This chapter will go through some advanced concepts, such as events, animations, and how to interact with the DOM.
Chapter 7, Make Your Components Look Beautiful , demonstrates that crafting beautiful UI components is a big part of the frontend engineering work. With React, there are different ways of doing it and each one tackles the problem from a different perspective. It's important to know which libraries are available and how they work in order to choose the right one.
Chapter 8, Server-Side Rendering for Fun and Profit, instructs that one of the greatest features of React is the server-side rendering. It works out of the box, but it's important to learn how to use it in the right way to get the most out of it.
Chapter 9, Improve the Performance of Your Applications, informs that on the Web, performance is one of the most important factors to engage users. React offers a set of tools and techniques to create lightning-fast applications, and this chapter goes through all of them.
Chapter 10, About Testing and Debugging, makes you realize that we all want our applications to be stable and handle all the edge cases: tests help with that. Writing a comprehensive set of tests is vital to creating rock-solid and maintainable code. On the other hand, bugs always happen and it's crucial to know how to debug and find an issue as early as possible.
Chapter 11, Anti-Patterns to Be Avoided, explains the fact that developers often try to use shortcuts and creative solutions, but in some cases these workarounds can be dangerous for their applications, espec...
