You Are a Mogul
eBook - ePub

You Are a Mogul

How to Do the Impossible, Do It Yourself, and Do It Now

Tiffany Pham

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  1. 224 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

You Are a Mogul

How to Do the Impossible, Do It Yourself, and Do It Now

Tiffany Pham

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Über dieses Buch

National Bestseller Ranked in Top 10 Bestselling Business Books in the US by The Wall Street Journal Named Audible Editors' Pick in Best New Releases As the founder of Mogul—praised by Sheryl Sandberg as the #1 millennial platform—Tiffany Pham created a global technology and media empire by the age of 27. As living proof that the old rules of success no longer apply, Tiffany writes the new rules for following your passions and forging your own path in an age of disruption. Traditionally, the word "mogul" has been attributed to men. But Tiffany Pham has redefined it—now, when you Google the word, the top search result is the company she founded: Mogul. The platform enables millions of women, across 196 countries, to connect, share information, and access knowledge.So how did a young woman—who arrived in the United States without speaking a word of English—turn a dream of connecting women into a fulfilling career and highly profitable company that has changed so many lives?Tiffany chronicles her path to becoming one of the most successful entrepreneurs of her generation, and offers specific, actionable advice that covers everything from overcoming self-doubt, to pursuing side-hustles, to crushing it at life and work by over-delivering, all while remaining your authentic self. You will learn how to negotiate job promotions, secure and balance multiple career roles, hire and manage teams, and become a mogul yourself. The book also features strategies and insights from ten of the most powerful moguls worldwide, including Nina Garcia, Star Jones, and Rebecca Minkoff. You Are A Mogul addresses the new reality that few of us will work for one company for our entire career and that there is no one straightforward formula for a "good life"—personally or professionally. To succeed, we have to be agile, flexible, and strategic. You Are A Mogul is an indispensable road map to the kind of life and career that is demanding and challenging—but also exciting and full of opportunities, if you know where to look.

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