An Encounter Between Quaker Mysticism and Taoism in Everyday Life
eBook - ePub

An Encounter Between Quaker Mysticism and Taoism in Everyday Life

Cho-Nyon Kim

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eBook - ePub

An Encounter Between Quaker Mysticism and Taoism in Everyday Life

Cho-Nyon Kim

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Über dieses Buch

In this lecture, Cho-Nyon Kim explores his spiritual journey in the Korean religious environment, in which Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity have all influenced cultural practices and been integrated into daily life. He is inspired by the life and thoughts of Ham Sok Hon, a prominent Korean peace activist and Quaker. He asks how we can live a simple life in a complex world. He wants to focus on how we can create a peaceful society in the face of nationalism and self-centredness. Quakerism has similarities to Taoism in its mysticism and its sense of waiting in a meditative way. Cho-Nyon Kim concludes that he must lead his life 'in the manner of those who always seek truth with an open mind'.

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This is one of a series of annual lectures which began in 1964 when Australia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends was first established.
The lecture is named after James Backhouse, who travelled with his companion George Washington Walker throughout the Australian colonies from 1832 to 1838.
Backhouse and Walker were English Quakers who came to Australia with a particular concern for social justice. Having connections to social reform movements in the early colonies as well as in Britain, Backhouse and Walker planned to record their observations and make recommendations for positive change where needed.
Detailed observations were made of all the prisons and institutions visited by Backhouse and Walker. Their reports, submitted to local as well as British authorities, made recommendations for legislative reform. Many of the changes they initiated resulted in improvements to the health and wellbeing of convicts, Aboriginal people and the general population.
A naturalist and a botanist, James Backhouse is remembered also for his detailed accounts of native vegetation which were later published.
James Backhouse was welcomed by isolated communities and Friends throughout the colonies. He shared with all his concern for social justice and encouraged others in their faith. A number of Quaker meetings began as a result of his visit.
Australian Friends hope that these lectures, which reflect the experiences and ongoing concerns of Friends, may offer fresh insight and be a source of inspiration.
This particular lecture was delivered at Avondale College, New South Wales on 9th July 2018.
Jo Jordan
Presiding Clerk
July 2018
© The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Australia, 2018
ISBN 9781921869686 (PB); ISBN 9781921869693 (eBook)
Produced by Australia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society
of Friends (Quakers) in Australia Incorporated
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James Backhouse Lectures
2001 Reconciling Opposites: Reflections on Peacemaking in South Africa, Hendrik W van der Merwe
2002 To Do Justly, and to Love Mercy: Learning from Quaker Service, Mark Deasey
2003 Respecting the Rights of Children and Young People: A New Perspective on Quaker Faith and Practice, Helen Bayes
2004 Growing Fruitful Friendship: A Garden Walk, Ute Caspers
2005 Peace is a Struggle, David Johnson
2006 One Heart and a Wrong Spirit: The Religious Society of Friends and Colonial Racism, Polly O Walker
2007 Support for Our True Selves: Nurturing the Space Where Leadings Flow, Jenny Spinks
2008 Faith, Hope and Doubt in Times of Uncertainty: Combining the Realms of Scientific and Spiritual Inquiry, George Ellis
2009 The Quaking Meeting: Transformin...
