eBook - ePub


A 12-Week Study

Michael LeFebvre, J. I. Packer, Dane Ortlund, Lane T. Dennis

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eBook - ePub


A 12-Week Study

Michael LeFebvre, J. I. Packer, Dane Ortlund, Lane T. Dennis

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Über dieses Buch

The Knowing the Bible series is a resource designed to help Bible readers better understand and apply God's Word. These 12-week studies lead participants through books of the Bible and are made up of four basic components: (1) reflection questions help readers engage the text at a deeper level; (2) "Gospel Glimpses" highlight the gospel of grace throughout the book; (3) "Whole-Bible Connections" show how any given passage connects to the Bible's overarching story of redemption, culminating in Christ; and (4) "Theological Soundings" identify how historic orthodox doctrines are taught or reinforced throughout Scripture. With contributions from an array of influential pastors and church leaders, these gospel-centered studies will help Christians see and cherish the message of God's grace on every page of the Bible.
The book of Numbers follows two generations of God's people: the first forced to wander in the desert for 40 years because of their lack of faith, and the second given the blessing of entering the Promised Land because of their obedience.

Showing how the book of Numbers displays the steadfast faithfulness of God, Michael LeFebvre helps readers learn from the failures of past generations in order to pursue faithfulness today.

Part of theKnowing the Bibleseries.

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Getting Acquainted
Numbers is a book about faithfulness—God’s faithfulness even when we are faithless. It is a book about learning from the failures of past generations in order to be more faithful today. Numbers teaches these lessons through the story of two generations of Israel: one generation that consistently breaks faith with God, and an emerging generation that trusts him.
The first generation is introduced with a census (Num. 1:1–4:49), the first of two censuses in the book. This census counts the generation of the exodus who saw God’s wonders in Egypt and at Mount Sinai. But in spite of all God’s marvels, this first generation is consistently stubborn and rebellious. When God brings them to the border of the Promised Land, their lack of faith hinders them from entering it (13:1–14:45). They are forced to return to the wilderness to wander for another 40 years.
The second generation includes the children raised in those years of wilderness wandering. Their emergence into adulthood is introduced with a second census (26:1–65). This generation learns from their parents’ failures and proves faithful to God. They are obedient and quick to repent when corrected—not stiff-necked like their parents were. When this new, faithful generation arrives at the border of the Promised Land, they experience victory and God’s blessings (31:1–32:42). Through the experiences of these two generations, we are taught the amazing patience of God despite our faithlessness, and his rich blessings upon those who learn from the past in order to be faithful in the present.
The English title of Numbers is based on the book’s organization around two censuses. The Hebrew title of the book is based on a Hebrew word occurring in its first verse, translated “In the wilderness.” The entire narrative takes place in Israel’s wilderness wanderings from Sinai (1:1) to the “plains of Moab” on the border of Canaan (36:13).
Placing Numbers in the Larger Story
Numbers is the fourth book of the Pentateuch1 and occupies an important place in the Pentateuch’s overarching narrative. Genesis, the first book of the Pentateuch, describes the beginnings of all the nations of the world with a special focus on God’s covenant with one house among those nations: the house of Abraham. Exodus continues that narrative with the transformation of Abraham’s household through much suffering into a nation redeemed2 by God and ordered around his law.3 The book of Leviticus comes next, teaching the gift of atonement4 at the center of God’s kingdom-forming law.
Next, the book of Numbers takes the stage, tracing this newly organized kingdom on its march from Sinai to the border of its promised new land. Numbers assures us of God’s faithfulness to his kingdom-building project, even when his people rebel. Deuteronomy concludes the Pentateuch with Moses’ final instructions for Israel’s settlement in the land, including a vision for taking God’s blessings to the rest of the world. The rest of the Bible follows the promises and lessons outlined in the Pentateuch.
Key Verses
“If the LORD delights in us, he will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land that flows with milk and honey. Only do not rebel against the LORD. And do not fear the people of the land, for . . . the LORD is with us” (Num. 14:8–9).
Date and Historical Background
Moses is probably the author of Numbers, writing this and other books of the Pentateuch perhaps during Israel’s wilderness wanderings in either the fifteenth or the thirteenth century BC (on the date of the exodus, see page 33 of the ESV Study Bible, also available online at The summary travelogue near the end of Numbers is identified explicitly as written by Moses (33:2). (For further discussion of the date, authorship, and other background material for the book of Numbers, see pages 257–264 in the ESV Study Bible, also available online at
I. Lessons from a Faithless Generation (1:1–25:18)
A. The first census and preparing the camp (1:1–6:27)
B. Preparing the tabernacle (7:1–10:10)
C. The need for the right ruler (10:11–12:16)
D. The need to be a faithful people (13:1–15:41)
E. The need for the right priesthood (16:1–19:22)
F. A taste of victory (20:1–21:35)
G. A faithful God despite a faithless people (22:1–25:18)
II. Lessons from a Faithful Generation (26:1–36:13)
A. The second census and preparing the camp (26:1–30:16)
B. A taste of settlement (31:1–32:42)
C. Review and prospect (33:1–36:13)
As You Get Started
Have you ever read through, studied, or listened to a sermon series on the book of Numbers? What are some of your current highlights or favorite portions of the book, and why?
Read Psalm 78, a sobering review of the “stubborn and rebellious generation” of the exodus, whose story is featured in Numbers. Copy down one or two verses from Psalm 78 that summarize the psalmist’s key lessons to watch for in the story of that stubborn generation.
Using a Bible atlas (such as the ESV Bible Atlas) or an Internet search engine, review maps and/or photographs of key places in the book of Numbers, such as the Sinai wilderness, Kadesh-barnea, the plains of Moab, and the Jordan River valley. Describe your impressions of the wilderness regions. How would the younger generation feel, after growing up in the wilderness, when they reached the lush fields of Moab and the Jordan River valley?
Did you grow up in a faithful Christian home, or with parents who resisted God’s Word? How has your own upbringing prepared you to identify with the blessings and sorrows of the two generations we will meet in the book of Numbers?
As You Finish This Unit . . .
The book of Nu...
