Key Concepts
eBook - ePub

Key Concepts

A Guide to Aesthetics, Criticism and the Arts in Education

Trevor Pateman

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  1. 208 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Key Concepts

A Guide to Aesthetics, Criticism and the Arts in Education

Trevor Pateman

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Über dieses Buch

First published in 1991. The arts can only thrive in a culture where there is conversation about them. This is particularly true of the arts in an education context. Yet often the discussion is poor because we do not have the necessary concepts for the elaboration of our aesthetic responses, or sufficient familiarity with the contending schools of interpretation. The aim of Key Concepts is to engender a broad and informed conversation about the arts.

By means of over sixty alphabetically ordered essays, the author offers a map of aesthetics, critical theory and the arts in education. The essays are both informative and argumentative, with cross-references, a supporting bibliography and suggestions for further reading.

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Names of individuals are generally not indexed when in the text they are only mentioned, e.g. in bibliographical information. Titles of art works mentioned are, however, generally indexed as they may serve a mnemonic function for some readers. Main chapter heads are not indexed.
  • Abbs, Peter
    • and Edmund Gosse 73
    • and form 5960
    • and making 35
    • and romanticism 30
    • and self-expression 30, 156
    • and tradition 184
  • Abrams, M.H.
    • The Mirror and the Lamp 2829
  • abstraction in art its politics 146
  • Adorno, Theodor
    • and the Holocaust 30, 68
    • and sociology of knowledge 148
  • Adshead, Janet 3738
  • advertisements 159160
  • aesthetic attitude 23
  • aesthetic emotion 6061
  • allographic
    • and autographic 136137
  • Althusser, Louise 102103
  • analogy
    • and creativity 34
  • Ancient Greek theatre 110113
  • André, Carl
    • his bricks 2223
  • Aristotle
    • and catharsis 110111
    • and Poetics 163
  • art
    • and the aesthetic 3
  • Arts Education for a Multicultural Society (AEMS) 126128
  • Arts in Schools, The (Gulbenkian Report) 1516
  • Auschwitz 30
  • Austen, Jane 122
  • autobiography 7374
  • autographic
    • and allographic 136137
  • automatic writing 99
  • Awakening, The (Kate Chopin) 50
  • Bakhtin, Mikhail
    • and ...
