The Voyages of Sir James Lancaster, Kt., to the East Indies
eBook - ePub

The Voyages of Sir James Lancaster, Kt., to the East Indies

With Abstracts of Journals of Voyages to the East Indies, during the Seventeenth Century, preserved in the India Office. And the Voyage of Captain John Knight (1606), to seek the North-West Passage

Clements R. Markham, Clements R. Markham

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  1. 352 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

The Voyages of Sir James Lancaster, Kt., to the East Indies

With Abstracts of Journals of Voyages to the East Indies, during the Seventeenth Century, preserved in the India Office. And the Voyage of Captain John Knight (1606), to seek the North-West Passage

Clements R. Markham, Clements R. Markham

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Über dieses Buch

The abstracts relate to the voyages of Keeling and Hawkins, Sharpie, Sir Henry Middleton, Thomas Love, Nicholas Downton, and Ralph Cross. With a calendar of ships' journals of the seventeenth century and a list of ships employed by the East India Company in the same period. For a revised edition of the Lancaster voyages, see Second Series 85. This is a new print-on-demand hardback edition of the volume first published in 1877.

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Abd-al-Kuri, island, 116
Abexin, coast (see Abyssinian)
Abyssinian coast, skips of the sixth voyage anchored off, 176, 182, 184
Achin, vi;
arrival of Lancaster at, 74;
reception by the king, 75;
Queen Elizabeth’s letter to the king of, 78;
negotiation, 79 to 83;
the King’s letter and presents to Queen Elizabeth, 94 to 97;
ships of the tenth voyage at, 248;
entertainments at 250, 254;
war with Johore, 251, 253;
the king in state, 256;
punishments at, 257;
money and weights, 258;
account of, 259
Adams, Captain, voyage to Cochin China, 267
Adams, Mr., the preacher, at Mr. Traine’s death-bed at Bantam, 218
Addy, Mr. (see Audely)
Aden, Captain Keelinge sails for, 118, 121;
Captain Sharpeigh at, 122;
the “Peppercorn” at, 146, 148;
ships of sixth voyage at, 166;
description, 166;
blockade of, 200, 201
Agoa, Baia de, 17
Agoada de San Bras, 2
Agoada de Saldanha (see Saldanha)
Ahmedabad (Amedewar?), 240, 241, 265
Aldersley, Mr., arrives at the Down to bring the “Peppercorn” up the Thames, 226
Aldsworth, Mr., chief factor at Surat, 233, 245
Aloe, at Socotra, 117, 163, 166
Amboyna, 219
Amedevar (see Ahmedabad)
Amity, E.I.C. ship, 276
Andrewes, Peter, journal of in E.I.C. ship “Mary” 272
Anna, E.I.C. ship, 277
Ann Royal, E.I.C. ship, 268;
William Baffin a master’s mate in, 268 (n), 270;
Walter Bennett, captain of, 270
Anne, Cape, in Greenland, xvii
Antelope, E.I.C. ship, 276
Antongil, Bay of (Madagascar), 66, 67, 68, 160
Antonio, Don, pretender to the Portuguese throne, 7
Arctic navigators (see Davis, Baffin, Hall, Cunningham, Knight, Lindenow, Waymouth)
Arctic navigators expeditions despatched by the East India Company, xvii;
importance of, xxi
Areta, capital of the King of Rohela, 179
Arnold, surgeon in Lancaster’s first voyage, death, 8
Articles for the tenth E. I. voyage, 228 to 233
Asab Bay (or Margabra), 178, 182,184, 203
Ascension Isle, 106
Ascension, E.I.C. ship, in the first voyage, iv, v, 57, 126;
Captain Brand, 58;
on the fourth voyage, x, 120;
anchored off Mocha, 123;
lost her anchors at Socotra, 125
Audely, Mr. (Addy), of Poplar, in the Pernambuco voyage, 36, 43, 53
Austin, ...
