The Planners Guide to CommunityViz
eBook - ePub

The Planners Guide to CommunityViz

The Essential Tool for a New Generation of Planning

Doug Walker

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  1. 304 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

The Planners Guide to CommunityViz

The Essential Tool for a New Generation of Planning

Doug Walker

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Über dieses Buch

What does the future look like? Planners wrestle with this question daily as they strive to bring a community's vision of itself to life, in all its complexity. Here is an authoritative and accessible guide to a tool that combines 3-D visualization, data analysis and scenario building to let planners and citizens see the future impacts of a plan or development. The Planners Guide to CommunityViz is the first book to explain how to support planning projects with CommunityViz, GIS-based software that planners around the world are using to help decision-makers, professionals, and the public visualize, analyze, and communicate about development proposals, future growth patterns, and the outcome of particular plans or developments. It shows the planner which tools and techniques to use and how to use them for maximum effectiveness on planning projects large and small. Full of practical examples and case studies, the book shows how CommunityViz can enliven the comprehensive planning process from visioning, to public participation, to values mapping, to build-out analysis. Chapters show how to use CommunityViz to analyze zoning regulations, calculate the costs of community services, and evaluate development proposals requiring design review. In addition, it is applicable to transportation planning, natural-resource planning, land-development suitability assessment, and urban economic development analysis.

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accessibility, in regional planning, 121
accessory analysis, for changing scale, 124
accessory elements. See also specific
in base models, 43
caution in using, 52
choosing, 54
data sources, 42
defined, 54
in design review, 191
example, 48
in form-based code analysis, 191
material forms vs., 50
metro and regional models, 45
in 3-D scenes, 50, 187
accessory land uses, 169
Accomack County (Va.), watershed plan in, 160161
active materials, 39, 52
aerial imagery, 12, 41, 5253, 240. See also photos; satellite imagery
age, data sources on, 238
agendas, for public meetings, 200, 201
Alberta (Canada), land conservation
planning in, 214215
for anticipating problems, 223
creating, 246, 247
in natural resource planning, 152, 157
in site selection and assessment, 138, 142
in visioning process, 65
Allegheny County (Pa.), comprehensive
plan for, 9597
Allocator tool
capabilities of, 245
case study, 99
for comprehensive plans, 110
as data source, 83
other tools vs., 76, 82
overview, 81
in regional growth projections, 129, 131132
teaching example, 8586
in transportation planning, 120
in zoning analysis, 175
alpha channel, 38
alternative solutions, 23
American Rivers, 55
analysis. See also specific types
cross-correlation, 208
defined, xxiv, 21, 28
design, 2126, 202, 203204 (see also setup)
stakeholders and complexity of, 2021
study area size vs. scale of, 2021
SWOT, 2, 6465
in visioning process, 6970
analysis diagrams, 203, 216, 248
analysis grids, 125126, 140141, 151.
See also fishnet pattern; raster data
analysis layers, 41, 78, 81. See also layers
analysis process, 28
Analysis tab, 210
analysis templates, 123
aquifers, demand analysis for, 151152.
See also wate...
