Steam Plant Calculations Manual, Revised and Expanded
eBook - ePub

Steam Plant Calculations Manual, Revised and Expanded


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  1. 448 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Steam Plant Calculations Manual, Revised and Expanded


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Über dieses Buch

Maintaining a question-and-answer format, this second edition provides simplified means of solving nearly 200 practical problems that confront engineers involved in the planning, design, operation and maintenance of steam plant systems. Calculations pertaining to emissions, boiler efficiency, circulation and heat transfer equipment design and performance are provided. Solutions to 70 new problems are featured in this edition.

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CRC Press

Basic Steam Plant Calculations

1.01: Converting liquid flow in lb/hr to gpm, and vice versa; relating density, specific gravity, and specific volume
1.02: Relating head of liquid or gas column to pressure; converting feet of liquid to psi; relating inches of water column of gas to psi and feet of gas column
1.03: Estimating density of gases; relating molecular weight and density; effect of elevation on gas density; simplified formula for density of air and flue gases at sea level
1.04: Relating actual and standard cubic feet of gas per minute to lb/hr
1.05: Computing density of gas mixture; relating mass to volumetric flow; computing velocity of gas in duct or pipe
1.06: Relating mass and linear velocities
1.07: Calculating velocity of wet and superheated steam in pipes; computing specific volume of wet steam; use of steam tables
1.08: Relating boiler horsepower to steam output
1.09: Calculating amount of moisture in air; relative humidity and saturation vapor pressure
1.10: Water dew point of air and flue gases; partial pressure of water vapor
1.11: Energy absorbed by wet and superheated steam in boilers; enthalpy of wet and dry steam; use of steam tables; converting MM Btu/hr (million Btu/hr) to kilowatts
1.12: Relating steam by volume, steam by weight, and steam quality; relating circulation ratio and quality
1.13a: Determining steam quality using throttling calorimeter
1.13b: Relating steam quality to steam purity
1.14: Water required for desuperheating steam; energy balance in attemperators, desuperheaters
1.15: Water required for cooling gas streams
1.16: Calculating steam volume after throttling process; use of steam tables
1.17: Determining blowdown and steam for deaeration
1.18: Calculating flash steam from boiler blowdown; economics of flash steam recovery
1.19a: Estimating leakage of steam through openings; effect of wet ness of steam on leakage
1.19b: Estimating air flow through openings
1.20: Estimating leaka...
