IoT and Smart Cities
eBook - ePub

IoT and Smart Cities

Your smart city planning guide

Rashmi Nanda

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eBook - ePub

IoT and Smart Cities

Your smart city planning guide

Rashmi Nanda

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Über dieses Buch

Know how Smart TVs, Smart Cars, Smart Homes, and Smart Cities are changing the World! Key Features

  • Learn to successfully create, launch and manage the Internet of Things services
  • Know the process of specifying, implementing, and deploying IoT services
  • Learn the fundamentals of IoT services, building blocks and the key factors
  • Learn the fast track approach to IoT
  • Learn a dual perspective on the Internet of Things and ubiquitous computing
  • Know detailed coverage of the underlying architecture, framework and state of the art methodologies

The Internet of Things (IoT) not only connect people but will connect 'smart' homes, appliances, cars, offices, factories, cities, basically the world. This book discusses how smart cities strive to deploy and interconnect infrastructures and services to guarantee that the authorities and citizens have access to reliable and global customized services. The book describes a wide range of topics present in the design, development, and running of smart cities, ranging from big data management, Internet of Things, and sustainable urban planning. The technical aspects of smart cities enabled primarily by the Internet of Things, the socio-economic motivations and impact of smart city development are covered in this book. What You Will Learn
The purpose of this book is to help you to work with cities and learn to develop them into smart cities. You will learn to develop a plan and learn what an smart city is, how to plan the smart city infrastructure and from where do you start while developing the smart city. You will learn what kind of planning is involved and about permitting, rent, acquisition, construction planning, with whom should you work? You can learn all this and more from case studies and deployment planning described in the book. Who this book is for
Students studying IoT in universities and who want to know the fundamentals of the IoT business. For business executives and IoT startups. Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. RFID and WSN: The Beginning
3. Interoperability of IoT Devices and Sensor (Semantic) Web
4. Cloud's Internet of Things (IoT)
5. IoT and Edge Computing
6. IoT - Big Data Convergence with IoT Data
7. Introduction to (Big Data) Internet of Things Analytics and Streams
8. Operability Among IoT Clouds and Semantics
9. Edge and Analytics
10. To Conclude
11. Abbreviation
12. Bibliography About the Author
Rashmi Nanda has done her B.Tech in Electronics and Instrumentation from Purushottam Institute of Engineering and Technology (PIET), Rourkela, Odisha. She has more than five years of experience in freelance content writing LinkedIn Profile:

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