Scotch Missed
eBook - ePub

Scotch Missed

Brian Townsend

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  1. 208 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Scotch Missed

Brian Townsend

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Über dieses Buch

This is a revised third edition of the hardback published in 1993 to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the first documentary records of the making of Scotch whisky in 1494. Brian Townsend has now detailed the remnants and ruins of almost every Victorian working distillery in Scotland. In this new edition he has fully updated the most recent closures and has sourced over 35 new archive photographs of many of Scotland's lost distilleries. The distilleries featured vary from the remnants of once great industrial concerns such as Saucel Distillery in Paisley to a mere tumble of bricks and mortar lying in a remote location like Glen Tarras at Langholm. Over the length and breadth of Scotland, its greatest export has left its mark and this book is a tribute not only to those who struggled against great odds and were finally beaten, but also to those who survived and have prospered. Townsend's detailed research brings to life a large portion of Scottish industrial heritage which would otherwise have been ignored and he has enlivened this with interviews of the last people to work those long gone stills. He has also tracked down the whisky which in some cases still exists and the book is fully illustrated with records past and present of this remarkable trade. Includes full OS map reference index to all distilleries listed and a full index.

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Abbeyhill Distillery, Edinburgh, 129, 130, 139
Aberdeen, 789, 923, 118
Aberlour-Glenlivet Distillery, 165
Act of Union (1707), 20
Adelphi Distillery, Glasgow, 138, 148, 157
advertising, 60
Ainslie, James, 52
Ainslie and Heilbron Ltd, 185
Albert Harbour warehouse, Greenock, 165
Albyn Distillery, Campbeltown, 1834, 196
alcoholism, 323
Alexander,William, 156
Alexander and Macdonald, Messrs, 94
Allardice, Barclay, 84
Allied Distillers, 90, 166
Allied Domecq, 38, 90
Anderson, David, 191
Angus Milling Company Ltd, 81
Annandale Distillery, near Annan, 27, 1412
Ardbeg, 13
Ardenistiel Distillery, 171
Ardgowan Distillery, Greenock, 1569
Ardlussa Distillery, Campbeltown, 1845, 191
Argyll Distillery, Campbeltown, 182, 185, 187
Armour, Robert, 1801
Armour,William, 198
Armstrong, Arthur, 143
Arnott, John, 145
Arthur Bell & Sons Ltd, see Bell & Sons Ltd, Arthur
ASD (Associated Scottish Distilleries Ltd), 823, 84, 173
Associated British Maltsters, 162
Auchentoshan Distillery, Dalmuir, 155
Auchinblae Distillery, Kincardineshire, 757, 94
Auchnagie Distillery, Tulliemet, 27, 745, 78
Auchtermuchty Distillery, 1202
Auchtertool Distillery, near Kirkcaldy, 1234
Australia, 55
automation, 1718
automotive fuel, 97
Balblair Distillery, Easter Ross, 39, 54
Bald family, 105
Balenie and Kemp,Messrs, 130
Ballantine, John, 165
Ballechin Distillery, Ballinluig, 27, 74, 789
Balmenach Distillery, Cromdale, 37, 55
Balvenie whisky, 63
