Solutions and how to find them
eBook - ePub

Solutions and how to find them

Martin Seebach

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  1. 52 Seiten
  2. English
  3. ePUB (handyfreundlich)
  4. Über iOS und Android verfügbar
eBook - ePub

Solutions and how to find them

Martin Seebach

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Über dieses Buch

Martin Seebach found it. The solutions to problems. He now wants to pass on his theories for almost everything and almost everyone, bundled and illustrated with illustrations. What role does one's own faith play in dealing with problems? How do you live right in the moment? What does the evolution of mankind have to do with our consciousness and subconsciousness? And how does a "perfect society" look like? Thoughts that Seebach shares with us.

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Feelings and how they come about

In my opinion feelings are the exchange of information between the subconscious mind (especially long-term memory, calculates many things itself), the conscious mind (part of the subconscious mind that lives consciously (it is also possible that the subconscious mind is a part of the conscious mind, but I think that the subconscious mind is bigger.)), the senses (everything we feel from outside) and the body. In other words, feelings are the communication of a body.
Every feeling feels different and has its own use. One of them is e.g. pain. This signals, if something in our body is not as it should be, the body makes even loss by the cause of the Signasl. Another is feelings of happiness. As a rule, one gets these when one has done something that has done one good and wants to do it again.
So one could also see feelings as the currency of the body. In most cases, feelings of happiness are "valuable feelings" (however, other feelings are also necessary to lead a fulfilled life). But these are often also the "heaviest feelings" (actually not) to attain. But in my opinion this is the case, because these feelings of happiness are often too strongly equated with materials and goods.

Everyone wants to be happy, most by money or attention. But you can't inject money into your veins.
So you should live in the moment and always decide for the decision that makes you happy. Even at work, because that's what you have decided for, otherwise you wouldn't work (except slavery). If you keep this in mind during work, you can also be happy during it because you have decided for this. Thus one is not always 100% right when deciding, but knows with every decision that one will make it 100% so (with one's current state of knowledge). (This is also well shown in "Rick and Morty" season 2 episode 1).

How to do everything

Many times you set yourself blockades that prevent you from doing what you want. You should only put yourself in your head what you really want to do afterwards (of course you also have to do things you don't really want to do, but you do them because you want to do something else, so you want to do them too). Because this is how you can do them. This gives you self-confidence and you can do things later that you didn't dare to do before. But you should always be 100% sure what you want to do in a situation. This is best done with a feeling (self-confidence). That one can do this however better, one should learn the feelings still a little more exactly. Because one learns many feelings only correctly to know, if one pays attention a little less to material values.

Material values

In my opinion, many people in today's world pay too much attention to material values. These are sometimes treated almost like Horcruxes from Harry Potter (objects carrying parts of a soul). That this does not happen, one should see e.g. a car as a car and not as his car. It's still your car, but you're always aware that it's just a car and you don't freak out too much when it breaks down. This way you don't have to get upset about a broken car. Because what's the point if you get upset about it? A state in which you can make bad decisions is probably less useful than keeping a cool head in such an "important" situation and thinking about what you can do next to make it better. But the easiest thing would be to give up material goods, which is also a difficulty in itself. So you should simply find the middle way for yourself, so that you can get to know your feelings better. Because these are not all an object.


Fear is a feeling like any other. Fear signals when the senses recognize something that is an impending danger from experience. However, the fear is often unnecessary, because then one usually falls into a state in which it is harder to decide about the situation. However, fear is still important (like positive/negative blockades) because it warns us. So you should only be afraid for a short time and then judge it in a self-confident state. (Self-confidence is also a feeling which, unlike fear, should last as long as possible.) However, this is rather difficult to complete. Since fear is a feeling, you can divide it into micro feelings, so that you can recognize the danger at the first moment (especially what danger it is) and do what is necessary against what is unnecessary.


In order to better decipher feelings, it can help to compare them with spices. The spices are not feelings, but rather micro feelings. Everyone has then several spice boxes, which are the feelings like e.g. fear. At the moment, however, the spices are mixed again, at the discretion of the cook, to suit the meal. So you have in every situation a new compilation of your micro feelings. All this forms the feeling you are feeling right now.
The micro feelings arise unconsciously (subconsciously) from calculations of certain parts of the brain. The consciousness, however, only takes up the mixture of all exact calculations and acts according to them. Since one does not perceive all the information of the microfeelings in the consciousness, there are parts in the subconscious which calculate things, which then form a wrong feeling in the consciousness by and large. However, this is considered right. That this happens less, one should try to feel these feelings better. And to label some of them as negative micro feelings at certain moments. You do this by focusing more on your feelings and thinking about why you feel that.
So over time you can turn any feeling like a wheel (this is a feeling in itself) to reinforce a micro-feeling or a feeling like happiness. So you can live out any feeling as long as you want. Or you can use this method to better recognize the micro feelings and then work with them. It can also happen that a feeling like happiness is no longer so valuable, but this only happens by creating blockades, which say that this is no longer so valuable.
What can help a lot is meditation. Since one concentrates with one meditation technique e.g. only on the breathing (focus is strengthened), one can do this after longer practice also with the feelings and thus use one's subconscious like a computer. You just have to trust your subconscious with your consciousness and believe that it can. So you can roughly start to classify the smaller feelings. You give each feeling a lesson (that you can do that, you have to trust the subconscious). This appears to one in the next situation as a feeling in which one needs this teaching again. At some point this teaching will no longer work, but then one usually discovers a more precise solution (or should look for this) and one more microfeeling. Once you have recognized them, you will see them much faster next time.

See feelings

With time you see the feelings as if you perceive a color. This allows you to see all the theories that are applicable in your environment. This way you can help your fellow human beings and see them quite quickly in yourself. The good thing about it is that it takes no time and effort to learn it. After that it is quite simple in every moment. This also makes it easier to recall memories, because they are also passed on in t...
